A 4 Question Primer For Wine Beginners Planning Their First Trip To Napa Valley

Brian McCann
2 min readMay 26, 2022


Most wine beginners set their sights on one place for their first wine trip: Napa Valley.

But before you go to Napa, you need to ask yourself four key question:

  1. Are you sure you want to go?
  2. When do you want to go?
  3. How do you want to get there?
  4. Where will you go when you arrive?

Let’s answer each of these in detail.

1. Before you book a trip to Napa, you should know a little about the region.

Going to Napa for wine beginners is like wanting to play golf at Pebble Beach without every breaking 100.

You’re going to need to prepare to have a good time.

The best primer has to be Judgement in Paris by George Taber. It’s a great story on the history of Napa and why it’s important.

2. If you’re ready to go, you should plan your trip during non-peak season.

Everyone want to go to Napa in Summer and Fall.

Skip it. Instead, go during February. The weather may be hit or miss, but the people will be happy to see you.

Plus, there will be less crowds at wineries and restaurants.

3. Fly into Sacramento instead of San Francisco

I like San Francisco, but flying into the SFO is a mess.

It’s a huge airport. The rental car is far from the terminal. And you have to get out or around the Bay Area to escape.

Instead, fly into Sacramento and get all the benefits of a smaller airport.

4. Visit One Key Winery and Then Take Your Advice From There

The biggest mistake first timers make is planning their trip without flexibility.

First timers should pick one winery to be the start of your visit. While tasting, ask your hosts for wineries that are similar to the wines you’re enjoying. Then, drink and repeat.



Brian McCann

Making you less dumb about wine | Passed 2 major wine exams in 6 weeks and built the Road To Wine Expert Summit | Syrah is my heartbreak grape