How fantastic was Season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Brian Rowe
5 min readMay 27, 2018

Mini Reviews of Buffy’s memorable third season!

During the last three years, I’ve been slowly making my way through a re-watch of my all-time favorite TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Here are my thoughts on the Season 3 episodes!

Anne ***1/2 (out of ****)

A dynamite season premiere written and directed by Joss that sets up one of the strongest seasons of the show. Mostly a stand-alone about Buffy living in the big city, it’s rich not just with action and bigger and better set pieces, but also fascinating thematic material. Love the hug at the end!

Dead Man’s Party ***

One of my favorite aspects of Buffy is how there’s always consequences for everything. Episode 2 could just focus on a new monster-of-the-week (well, it kind of does), but it also focuses on the fall-out Buffy has had with her friends, who are pissed that she just took off for the summer without a word. This episode has that, but it’s also super fun, too, with zombies!

Faith, Hope & Trick ***

Faith!!! I forgot how early she shows up in season 3, and her darker version of the slayer makes for such a great chemistry between her and Buffy. Another monster-of-the-week, but mostly memorable…

