Why is Hamilton so successful?

There are lots of reasons, including a few you might not have thought of!

Brian Rowe
3 min readNov 22, 2018

The musical Hamilton created by Lin-Manuel Miranda has been a smash hit on Broadway since its premiere in 2015, audiences flocking to the show the world over. Hamilton is indeed such a phenomenon that it is sold out anywhere and everywhere. So why is Hamilton so insanely popular?

I believe it is due its great word of mouth from the theater-going public, its endless accolades from the critics, the many wins at the 2016 Tony Awards, and the overall desire for people to see a unique retelling of the story of one of America’s most famous founding fathers. In addition, a major reason Hamilton is a success is in the way the show promotes multiculturalism in its portrayal of the diversity in America, emphasizes interculturalism in how it depicts the story’s protagonist and antagonist, and celebrates transculturalism by infusing known characters with new ethnic groups to create an entirely original kind of production.

The concepts of multiculturalism, interculturalism, and transculturalism all play major roles in the context of the protagonist and antagonist of Hamilton — Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, respectively. The story of the musical concerns that of the rise and fall of Alexander Hamilton, starting at the beginning…

