
Brian Schroer
2 min readFeb 24, 2018


photo by Curtis Newton

A while ago, I wanted to learn about .NET Standard and publishing NuGet packages, so I thought I’d package and publish some of the C# unit test helper classes I’ve accumulated over the years.

The SparkyTestHelpers .NET unit test helper NuGet packages are “test framework agnostic”. You can use them with MSTest, NUnit, XUnit, (whatever).

Who’s Sparky? That’s me. I was on a team at work that had multiple Brians, so I volunteered to be called “Sparky” to reduce confusion. It was fun. I’ve never had a nickname before. (Oh, there have been “nicknames” that people used for me, but this is a family-friendly blog, so…)

Follow the links below for more information about each of the SparkyTestHelpers NuGet packages…

Happy Testing!

