
Free VR App and Related Services

I am making a collection of apps free to use, for a limited amount of time for all users. Just send me an email, and I’ll send you an invite to login and start creating VR experiences.

3 min readApr 7, 2018


originally posted on

Current Users

Paid users have been using these apps, and the response is overwhelming. There are a number of feature requests, and I don’t have a team in place to build out these features at this time. Current users can continue using our apps and they will no longer be billed.

What You Get

This is what you get with your free account. Get access to these applications.


This dashboard allows you to create VR tours with 360 photos. You can use any kind of 360 photo. Enter a name to create a tour, and drag photos onto the window to upload them. This will generate a unique url you can use to share your tour. You can also add hotspots to your tour. A hotspot allows you to be teleported to another photo. Just select the destination from the dropdown, and position the circle where you want the target.


Videos are not supported at the moment but may be coming soon if we get enough user requests.

Get 3D Tours

This dashboard allows you to link your 360 tours, or any other kind of media, such as a video. Create a tour link by entering an address and pasting a link to the tour or video. This can be a BeTeleported tour, or any other tour or video with a link. Paste the JavaScript and HTML in your site, and you will automatically see a button appear on a property listing page that matches the address. This does a few things.

  • only download the tour or video when the user clicks the button
  • doesn’t take valuable screen real estate
  • easily embed any type of tour

Free Book

I have published a book on Amazon. If you need some support, you can still sign up for a paid account. I will send you a copy of my book on Amazon, just for trying it out.

Be Teleported — Moments

Users are creating BeTeleported tours, and have been requesting a way to show these tours on a google map, so I created Moments. This is still a work-in-progress, but it’s ready to show. When you create a BeTeleported tour, we will scan your photos for where it was created, at what time, and on which day. Users will be able to see these moments you have created, and search for other moments nearby and by time created. You can view a demo at:

Cryptocurrency Solution

Our users have requested we support cryptocurrency, as this would allow us to compensate users for driving traffic to their tours. I also have a lot of requests for supporting live video VR appointments with streaming video, and cryptocurrency would provide another avenue to faciliate payments for both parties. Hence, I have also deployed a token on the Ethereum blockchain. You can read the white paper at:

If you’re interested in coding blockchain apps you can attend my workshops.

Why Are You Giving All of this Away For Free?

Life gets in the way sometimes, and we have to make hard decisions about how we spend our time.

