Poem: Thank You Letter to My Life

Bria Rivello
1 min readMay 18, 2023


Thank You God for everything in my life. The good and the bad. Some were blessings and some were lessons.
Thank You God Quote from Google Images

Thank you for the lessons,

Which are my greatest blessings.

Thank you for the good and bad memories.

I know they were necessities

To make my life complete,

So, I cannot succumb to defeat.

Thank you for the drama

That created a lot of trauma.

This made me addicted to chaos,

But I returned to the Love I forgot.

Thank you for the addiction,

My greatest affliction.

“Why was I brought into this mess?”

It is just part of my uniqueness.

Thank you for the abandonment issues

That made me use a lot of tissues.

This scar on my soul

Helped me realize I am whole.

Thank you for the toxic people,

Both the broken and the evil.

They showed me who I could have been

If Love did not win.

They taught me oneness

And the power of forgiveness.

Thank you, Universe, for me.

I am who I am meant to be.

I have always been seeking Something Greater

And I am glad I found It now and not later,

So, I can be reasonably happy in this life

Even with all the strife.

And supremely happy forever in the next

Just like it says in every sacred text.



Bria Rivello

Author of “Unveiling the Healing “ & “Unchained Poetry.” Free-spirited South Jersey girl who writes about self-help and spirituality (She/Her/Hers).