3 min readSep 24, 2018


“There is not living without a ground, without a sense of space that is not only external but internal — mental loci.” Siri Hustvedt

A great deal has already been said about the major transformation the Millennials have caused all over the world, they have changed everything so fast that the society is still adjusting to living cultures not yet fully understood, generating many discussions and conflicting views. But, two things are true about this new changes; on one hand, it is an irrepressible and inexorable reality, on the other hand, there is a noticeable tendency for usability and efficiency. We can say that, in many cases, for a millennial “it is better to share than to possess”.

Due to the emerging necessities caused by society changes, new economic modalities have been introduced to adapt and give solutions to the new necessities; concepts like “Hipster Apartments” or “Apartments for Millennials” are becoming more popular in the real estate industry, coworking spaces for freelancers, digital nomads, startups, and entrepreneurs are increasingly demanded, changing the market with the premise “adapt or disappear”.

Every project should have a detailed structure and definition, every new economic idea requires a two-path approach; one of them should be to find an objective market to which you can meet specific needs, the problem could be the fact that users usually don’t know what they actually want or how they want their needs to be met. Said that there is the second path of an innovative project, it would be to generate a proposal that exceeds all expectations and presents an ideal structure that makes people feel it is specially designed for them, understand them in such a way that every solution seems to be tailored for every user.

BRICKS4US, in this case, has not only developed the needed technology to get adapted to the new generations integrating blockchain technology, smart contracts, and cryptographic tokens, it has as well created a whole culture around this digital universe which has been called Freeliving, a term which describes those already mentioned freelancers, digital nomads, entrepreneurs, independents, and in general the visionary millennials and their further generations. The technological model that Bricks4us presents mainstream the likes and lifestyles chosen by these out of the box thinkers who decided to go for more, a life that integrates work and passions

The numbers that reflect the transition we are going through, allow us to identify the big opportunities this change presents, some significant figures would be:

  • In at least two years the coworking spaces demand has grown 25% only in Latin America.
  • The great majority of the 163 million of young 15 to 29 years old Latin Americans undertake a business as a solution to the lack of jobs.
  • The rental markets of “apartments for millennials” goes over 187 million USD per month in the 9 countries of higher demand in Latin America (Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama).
  • The millennial generation represents over 44% of the productive power in 2018.
  • The 69% of the purchases made in 2017 were made by young and adult millennials.
  • The projections confirm that for 2020 will exist an average of 26 thousand coworking spaces and more than 3.8 million people subscribed to them.
  • At the end of 2014 existed more than 5.700 coworking spaces all over the world with a turnover of 604 million Euros.

Clearly, as the appropriate mix allows us to create great possibilities, BRICKS4US universe is the opportunity to stand in the future with foundations forged in the present, an opportunity to grow together as a community seeking for the value of cooperation.

Fernando García

Bricks4us Co-founder.

