Future-proof your organization’s strategy using human-centred foresight

3 min readSep 18, 2019

Imagine that it’s 2029. What has changed? A new gadget has revolutionized how we communicate. Automation has supplanted millions of jobs. Climate change has transformed what we eat, how we travel, and where we live. Now bring yourself back to the present day and imagine you are an organization trying to prepare for that future. How do you start?

Strategic foresight is a discipline that enables us to understand how issues unfolding today could affect our organizations tomorrow. By researching existing trends, imagining future possibilities, and implementing strategies that account for these possibilities, organizations can ensure that they are equipped to perform and succeed in a wide variety of uncertain future scenarios.

As a practice that focuses on improving interactions between organizations and customers, service design is uniquely positioned to enhance strategic foresight and ensure that implementation is rooted in both user needs and organizational capabilities. By co-creating the customer of the future, their future needs, and an organization’s required future capabilities, service design can ensure that the outputs of the strategic foresight process are grounded in a human-centred view of the future. By prototyping and iterating different capabilities and concepts, service design enables organizations to test critical assumptions about the future and prioritize what actions they must take today to ensure they are equipped for tomorrow.

If you want to learn more about how to prepare your organization for rapid change and uncertain futures, we invite you to join us on October 9th for our master class From Strategic Foresight to Strategic Preparedness: Applying Service Design to Future Scenarios in Healthcare. The half-day master class will take place at the offices of the award-winning service design consultancy Bridgeable, in conjunction with the 2019 Service Design Global Conference. The class will be designed and facilitated by Bridgeable’s own Danielle Sheahan, Senior Service Designer, and Jane Park, Manager of Design Strategy.

Master class participants will experience a hands-on approach to applying service design methods to future scenarios in a healthcare context. By combining strategic foresight and service design, we will examine how co-creation and prototyping can be used effectively to design human-centred, future-ready strategies and solutions.

Join us in exploring how to equip organizations not only to prepare for the future but to actually shape it in a human-centred way. Registration is limited, so sign up today!




We’re a service design consultancy. We work with you to create a more human world, one experience at a time.