The Bridge Socket: Enabling cross-chain functionality into any dapp

Bridge Network
2 min readNov 23, 2022

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Bridge Socket, a plug and play solution that allows any dapp to integrate cross-chain bridging function into their application without the need of building and managing complex cross-chain infrastructure. The socket can be used for DEXs, cross-chain farming, borrowing/lending, market places and much more.

Once integrated, the socket generates fees which are split between Bridge Network and the dapp. This gives dapps an additional source of revenue as their user interacts with the application.

The Bridge socket contract is a stateless contract that does not hold token balances. It interacts with multiple Bridge Network core contracts but is not part of the core contract itself. With the Bridge Socket projects can integrate the functions of Bridge Network directly into their dapps and offer their user an easy, secure & efficient cross-chain experience.

A number of projects have commenced integration with the Bridge socket from a privately launched beta. We are delighted to open this up to the broader community to drive interoperability forward.

How to Integrate the Bridge Socket

To integrate the socket check out the full GitHub document here:

To connect with the socket team for partnerships, technical assistance, etc. please feel free to submit your information here.

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