Bridge Community Update 4/20/18

Bridge Protocol
Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2018

With the Bridge Protocol team coming together; spring is looking bright and promising! After a long winter of development, launching and structuring, the entire team is in place and working to make Bridge Protocol the best identity platform on the blockchain!

It is our intention to provide open and transparent communication with the Bridge Protocol community members. The marketing team will be providing regular updates on business, technical and industry happenings. This information will be released through our social media channels listed at the bottom of the page.

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” -Steve Jobs

News and Updates

Ambassador Program

The Bridge Team is excited to announce the blockchain education ambassador program. Bridge is committed to furthering knowledge regarding blockchain and use-cases of this emerging technology. Our team has noticed learning gaps on how the basic mechanisms of blockchain works and we want to encourage students to learn about the new jobs this field can provide. Our solution will be “airdropping” our tokens to the best and brightest students all over the world.

Ambassadors will create content, organize meetups and help educate those in the community about the benefits of blockchain; as well as our unique identity management protocol. Students will be tasked with assuring their personal development and assisting in development of the larger community.

Official rules and guidelines will be released in early-May; interviews going on now!

Student journalists, researchers and developers; join the bridge ambassador program and be part of the next tech revolution!

Ambassador Information

Switcheo Update

Many community member’s have wondered; when will IAM be listed?

With the recent launch of our partners platform Switcheo, Bridge was excited to be a part of the first DEX on NEO. We were quickly reminded that with any great technological innovation, comes the pains of growing that platform into success.

The IAM smart contract was compiled using Python, based off a CoZ Smart Contract template. At the time of launch, Bridge was one of the first to use this template.

We have been working independently and in partnership with Switcheo to identify and resolve the issues that prevent IAM from being listed. We have determined this is not an issue with the Smart Contract, but an issue with contract interpretation. These issues do not impact C# projects.

The full write-up by Switcheo can be found here.

A solution is currently under development and we hope to have all issues resolved in the coming weeks. It is our intention to allow the community access to IAM on a DEX as quickly as possible and we are working diligently to properly premier the IAM listing.

Bridge CEO Stephen Hyduchak at LendIt Fintech 2018

From Left: Da Hongfei (NEO), Stephen Hyduchak (Bridge) — Just saying “hi” as they return to panels

This month, our founder and CEO Stephen Hyduchak was at the 2018 Lendit Fintech conference in San Francisco. Bridge Protocol was happy to participate along with top lenders, investors and our friends at the NEO blockchain team!

LendIt Fintech USA 2018 RegTech Use-Case Panel

Stephen was asked to represent Bridge Protocol on a panel discussion of Regtech use-cases for blockchain. Following the panel, Stephen noted:

“I was honored to be part of a panel that included some prominent thought leaders in the space like Shyft, Blockchain Intelligence Group and others. The resounding question from the audience was their concern for compliant ICOs and how can we show regulators that this space can aid their goals for protecting citizens.”

The full write-up from Stephen can be found here.

Tech Updates

New Team Member — Welcome!

The Bridge Procotol Team is happy to welcome one of our newest engineering members, Andrew Brick. Andrew joined the team as a Chief Systems Architect this week. We asked Andrew to tell the community about himself and his passion for blockchain development:

I first learned about Bitcoin, not from class, but from my nerdy freshmen engineering friends, when it was worth $12. A year and a half later, my friends and I pooled our money for a mining rig, which we later sold. I didn’t learn about the world of crypto until 2016, when I discovered the Ethereum when researching how to build a voting platform with bitcoin tech.

After a summer working to build static code analysis software, I began writing smart contracts. I was trying to build a decentralized farming community. I reached out to several others building similar ideas and interviewed them. Soon I was interviewing these companies on behalf of crypto news outlets CoinIdol & TheMerkle. As my reputation as a journalist grew, I started working as a security consultant & contracted software engineer. I contributed to the creation of a deflationary Twitter, designed to fight fake news, called Chirpchain. I worked with energy projects, exchanges, data management systems, and loyalty points. When working to develop crypto flyer points, Stephen reached out to me, and as I learned about Bridge Protocol, I knew it was the kind of forward-thinking creative company I could pour myself into. So, I am very excited to be joining the team at such a pivotal moment for the company, the industry, and the world.

We look forward to him bringing his experience and passion for the blockchain to the team.

Bridge continues to build its development team; additional team members to be announced soon!

Current Research

The engineering team is hard at work researching and developing what is the future of Identity Management Solutions. An article we recently published lays out the goals and vision of our team:

“One of the most exciting projects that the Bridge team is researching is BigChainDB. Their framework can help us design systems that can cross reference data sources to detect fraud. Bridge becomes a transparent shared ledger; an immutable system for record-keeping where transactions can be ordered and grouped into blocks. Timestamps and multiple parties can query the database to get whatever data they want, wherever it might happen to be stored and agree on the truth. “

This thought is expanded upon in the Medium article that you can find here.

We thank everyone for their continued support of Bridge Protocol! We are working quickly to build the best identity protocol on the blockchain.

We have active communities on Telegram, Reddit, Twitter and Discord; watch these social media channels for the newest from our team!




Bridge Protocol

Bridge Protocol s a RegTech company specializing in identity services and compliance for KYC/AML and more on the blockchain