The Dark Side of Social Media: Understanding Its Impact on Mental Well-being

Bridger Bowman
7 min readSep 24, 2023


Image Credit: LoboStudioHamburg

The immense growth of social media platforms has drastically changed how we interact and communicate with each other, providing unparalleled opportunities for global connections and self-expression. Although these platforms have facilitated friendships, professional relationships, and conversations, it’s important to consider the potential consequences they may have on our mental health. The widespread use and influential nature of social media have raised concerns about their possible negative effects on our well-being, such as increased stress levels, comparisons with others, feelings of sadness or isolation, and even addictive behaviors. In this article, we will explore the darker aspects of social media to gain a more nuanced understanding of how it impacts our mental well-being.

The Comparison Trap

The widespread impact of social media in our modern lives has brought about an era where constant comparisons have become a common part of our daily interactions. These online platforms, which showcase carefully selected glimpses of life, provide a never-ending stream of idealized experiences and achievements, often distorting reality. While the act of comparing oneself to others can be a source of motivation and self-improvement, the consequences of such comparisons often lead to negative outcomes, causing a concerning decline in mental well-being. In today’s digital age, individuals find themselves immersed in an environment where people mostly share the highlights and successes in their lives, creating an illusion of continuous happiness and achievement. This constant exposure to selective glimpses inevitably creates an atmosphere where comparisons become harmful, triggering feelings of inadequacy, envy, and diminished self-esteem.

This ongoing engagement with a fabricated version of reality creates a relentless cycle of self-comparison, where individuals measure their own value against the glorified depictions they see from others. This perpetual state of comparison becomes fertile ground for stress and discontentment as it subtly seeps into the minds of users and intensifies feelings of loneliness and despair.
The constant flood of flawless depictions of life creates a distorted perception of what is normal. It makes every accomplishment seem smaller and every happiness feel insufficient. In this environment, the relentless comparisons that social media magnifies go beyond being mere reflections of human behavior. They become significant sources of stress, contributing to feelings of sadness and loneliness and potentially leading to more severe mental health issues.

FOMO: Fear of Missing Out

credit: StockSnap

A significant aspect of media is the widespread phenomenon known as the “fear of missing out” or FOMO. This term represents the underlying anxiety and unease that people feel when they see others enjoying enriching experiences that they are not a part of. Although FOMO has existed throughout history in forms social media platforms have magnified these feelings. These platforms act like an echo chamber amplifying the experiences of others and fostering a sense of discontent, unease, and a constant fear of missing out.

The constant exposure to enticing experiences from others creates a heightened awareness of what one supposedly misses out on leading to an intensified sense of deprivation. The continuous bombardment with visuals and stories about people's seemingly perfect lives cultivates feelings of anxiety, stress, and dissatisfaction, with one's own experiences. Consuming content incessantly creates a toxic environment where one's own joys become overshadowed by the seemingly unattainable wave of others' happiness and achievements ultimately deepening feelings of isolation and discontentment.

The Addiction Mechanism

Social media platforms are designed to take advantage of the brain reward system leading to behaviors. Each interaction whether it's a post or notification triggers the release of dopamine a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward. This immediate gratification drives users to spend time on social media making it harder for them to focus on specific topics and contributing to screen addiction.

These platforms are strategically structured to provide new content ensuring that users are always engaged. They exploit the brain's inclination, for novelty and stimulation. The pursuit of dopamine release is further reinforced by evolving algorithms that aim to keep users hooked making it difficult for them to log out and creating an ongoing cycle of addiction.

The Repercussions on Mental Health


Social media, an aspect of modern communication possesses a darker side that often remains hidden amidst its instant connectivity and wealth of information. This shadowy side is characterized by the comparisons and fear of missing out (FOMO) creating an environment where users' mental well-being is constantly under attack. The relentless pursuit of validation coupled with distorted perceptions of others' lives results in heightened stress and anxiety. Engaging with filtered versions of reality and seeking approval from peers perpetuates an ending sense of inadequacy and discontent within users.

Being immersed in an environment saturated with curated glimpses into others' lives sets unrealistic expectations for one's own life. This toxic cycle of comparison becomes a breeding ground for diminishing self-esteem and overall well-being. Individuals caught up in this cycle often find their own realities pale in comparison, to the vibrant tapestries portrayed online leading to feelings of isolation and profound sadness. The perceived inferiority arising from this cycle continues to chip at the mental serenity of countless individuals leaving them trapped in a constant state of self-doubt and devaluation.

Moreover, beyond the psychological consequences, these platforms also possess an inherent addictive nature that gradually erodes users' ability to stay focused and maintain sustained attention.
The inner workings of media are meticulously crafted to provide a constant stream of fresh and captivating content trapping users into a cycle of compulsive usage. The endless scrolling feature combined with a changing variety of content continuously reinforces these usage patterns ensuring that individuals become entangled in the intricate web of the online world.

This persistent engagement with the realm not only fosters addictive behaviors but also has significant long-term effects on cognitive functions. The difficulty in disconnecting from the captivating realm of media is evidence of its impact on an individual's ability to control their attention and regulate their focus. As the lines between reality and the virtual world continue to blur the resulting challenges pose threats, to the overall mental and cognitive well-being of modern social media users. It is crucial to address and mitigate these impacts caused by social media use.


The complex relationship, between media and mental well-being is mysterious and multifaceted requiring an examination of its positive and negative aspects. Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with others creating webs of interactions and shared experiences. However, there are also sides to these platforms that pose challenges to our mental health. The constant comparisons we make and the fear of missing out (FOMO) have an impact on how we perceive ourselves and feel emotionally. Moreover, the addictive qualities ingrained in these platforms further contribute to a decline in well-being by overwhelming our minds with stimuli that can lead to stress and anxiety.

To address these challenges effectively and promote engagement with media it is crucial to adopt a mindful approach that involves being conscious of how we use these platforms. This means developing literacy skills and consuming content in an informed manner. Equipping ourselves with knowledge about navigating the landscape responsibly is key to establishing online habits. It requires us to reflect on the content we consume and share while also recognizing its impact, on our health.
Promoting a rounded approach, to interactions can help us develop a more thoughtful perspective, which in turn reduces vulnerability to the negative effects of social media.

Raising awareness and encouraging empathy and responsible usage in the world are crucial for minimizing the impacts of social media on mental health. By creating an environment that values understanding, mindfulness, and responsible engagement we can transform the space into a source of enrichment and positive experiences. To foster a supportive and fulfilling ecosystem that benefits the user's mental well-being we must make informed choices increase awareness and maintain a balanced approach to our interactions, on social media.


Ellis, Marrey E. “5 Ways Social Media Is Affecting Your Mental Health — Bridges to Recovery.” Bridges to Recovery, 15 February 2022, Accessed 23 September 2023.

Fotuhi, Majid. “What Social Media Does to Your Brain.” NeuroGrow, 21 September 2020, Accessed 23 September 2023.

Hippe, Hannah, and Step Guide. “Social Media and Mental Health: What’s the Impact?” Psychiatric Associates, 29 December 2022, Accessed 23 September 2023.

Vogel, Erin. “How Social Media affects Mental Health and Relationships.” One Mind PsyberGuide, Accessed 23 September 2023.

Conceptualized by Benjamin Liedke



Bridger Bowman

Entrepreneur, BCBA Certified Behavior Technician, eccentric thinker