Bridget Sissons
1 min readFeb 11, 2018


A recent digital marketing campaign that I really connected with recently was ASOS’ “go play” advert which featured a wide range of people from different ethinicities, genders and social backgrounds. For me this advert was “real”, a concept that is often missed in modern marketing. However upon reading Elizabeth Holli Wood’s article I questioned the realness of ASOS’ motivations — was this attempt at personalising their marketing strategy for the benefit of social good or simply to make money? I decided probably a mixture of both.

With regards to my social life and digital technology I would say I use social media etc to organise and inform myself on events/activities going on around me. For me digital technology does not dictate my social life, however I will admit I unwillingly rely on it to function. I’ll organise where and when I’m supposed to be somewhere but as soon as I’m physically there I put my phone away and embrace the moment, real time.

