Bridget C
2 min readSep 5, 2017


For rich people. Maybe.

Look at it this way. This fleet will pick you up when you call for it. But given that a lot of people will want to be picked up at about the same time congestion pricing will come into play. Which is fine for the lawyers in the office but not so great for the secretaries.

People use their cars to move children & animals around. (Farmers will still need trucks on the farm). People drive to the mountains or the shore to hike or run or camp. Using your scenario, either the E car will be out of service or those users will have to wait for it to get back to them. If I have a two year old with a fever in an outer suburb, I’m not willing to chance that I get outbid by a bunch of drunks leaving bars when I need to get the baby to the ER. I’m certainly not going to be willing to chance that the car will be close when the skies open while I’m camping. I’ve been drenched before.

Say goodbye to privacy. The car’s not yours so the driving records are not yours. Did you drive to a protest (remember the Justice Department has already subpoenaed the records of websites with anti Trump protests)? Having an affair? Meeting someone your parents don’t approve of? Heck, working a second job?

And when the next Harvey hits does the entire nation have the supply of Ecars sent to Texas to get the residents out? Even though there’s a good possibility some of those cars will be trapped? Or on a minor inconvenience, if everyone decides to go to super Woodstock for July 4, 2026, how do the rest of us get around while the cars drive there and back again?

Have you never tried to rent a trailer from Hertz on Labor Day weekend?

I think there will be disruption coming but there are practical reasons why cities can get by without private cars (using a combo of public transport & taxis) when outer suburbs & rural areas can not.

