The Value of Teaching Your Child Self-Care

Bridget Hallisey
4 min readJun 5, 2020
Photo by Africa Studio

I know you moms and dads out there know a little thing or two about self care. But what does self care mean to you?

Is it getting out of the house for w few hours to get your nails done or go for a quick jog? Is it spending those 20 minutes locked in the bathroom forcing yourself to attempt a face mask and hair exfoliation? Maybe it’s treating yourself to that pair of leggings you’ve left in your cart for the past month. All of these are things we think of when we think of “self care”, but that’s not entirely all “self care”. Self care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s health. It is all of those things that I have listed above and so much more! Going for a walk, taking a yoga class, sitting in meditation for 10 minutes, taking a nap, stretching, and even indulging in quality and nutritious foods are all examples of self care activities. They all make us feel better about ourselves in some way or another and they all play a crucial role in our physical and mental health.

See the problem is as adults, we partake in self care activities that usually play more of a role in our physical health and it’s usually in an attempt to “erase” a part of ourselves (aka those 5 extra pounds we’ve put on). We rarely think of self care as taking care of our mental state. But in fact, it is our mental state that plays a role in every…

