Why Women 40+ are key to our future.

Bridget Scarr
5 min readOct 10, 2022


We live in challenging but exciting times, where a form of radical regeneration is now not just plausible but possible.

Entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists around the globe are not just envisioning but actualizing future-proof solutions. These developments can and will ultimately transform our daily existence, optimize our health and well-being, and renew the state of our planet… but are we ready to adopt and integrate these solutions at the speed we need? And more importantly, who will drive this adoption?

I believe the answer lies with women 40+

And that it is only with their influence & power that we will be able to implement these new regenegative pathways for humanity. This is why…

With our fragility highlighted by the climate crisis, the Covid-19 Pandemic and countless humanitarian emergencies, finding solutions that enable both people and the planet to thrive is imperative.

If we do not make some dramatic changes fast, then we are staring down pretty catastrophic consequences for human life.

Across industries right now, intelligent entrepreneurs are actively focused on solving these problems. Whether in the form of groundbreaking new technology or phenomenal scientific breakthroughs and radical approaches to daily living. There is so much productive progress. From Deep tech to Health tech, Care tech to Climate tech, Rejuvenation/Longevity Biotech to Fintech and Insure Tech, start-ups are tackling the World’s most significant problems with incredible results.

So why does it feel like we are not making more significant headway?
And why do we not see the impact within our society where it matters most?

Most people have limited sight of the developments and breakthroughs that are currently being achieved. And the ones they do have sight of, are either in areas that interest them, or are the moonshots, the big ideas that get lots of publicity but which seem so far removed from their personal reality.

With the majority of people caught up in their individual grind, living from one day to the next — even a vision of optimized health seems too far removed to become their personal reality.

Perhaps this is why, no matter how many new and incredible ideas seem to arrive, progress, although present appears plodding. And I would warrant it will continue to feel that way until its seeped into the mainstream.

We won’t see success in trasnforming how things are done until these incredible advancements in tech and science are really ‘seen’ as useful, or show their transformative purpose in peoples everyday lives.

As a Mom of two, I’ll admit to being impatient because I don’t like the odds! I cannot, and will not accept any option but radical regeneration. That’s the only future I would like to see. That’s why I decided to focus my own efforts on health and longevity. Knowing from personal experience that good health is a prerequisite to anything else you want.

I’ve also decided to focus on the people I believe can have the most impact and sway in the World today — that’s 40+women like me

And it may seem surprising, but these women the ones who not only hold the power, influence but the means to bring the new technology, science and services into the homes and the mainstream.

How do I know this?

Women are known to commit and work towards more sustainable decisions for all.

They are at the heart of their homes, their families, and their communities.

They are the primary caregivers.

They make and influence most healthcare decisions for their family and the elderly in their care.

Most importantly, though, these women are known to care about making a difference in people’s lives, daily!

Now, I’m not saying that men don’t have a role here, or that their inputs aren’t valuable too, just the centre of influence has shifted.

When it comes to affecting change both on a grand scale and within the family — if you examine the evidence, you will also quickly see it’s these women who now drive the world economy.

These women posses real power.

Power that until now, that may not have been seen as great, or to wield incredible weight, but which is showing to have more influence than we ever realized.

This is a soft power, one that stems from love and can change from within the heart of families, and society. And perhaps its the sort of power we really need to make incredible change happen.

And a hard power, that comes from pulling the purse strings. Making the most purchasing decisions for their homes and their families.

There is one problem though …

These women, the ones who really matter when it comes to changing our present reality.

Who control over $31.8 Trillion in consumer spending worldwide.

Who are savvy, highly affluent, and educated are themselves completely underserved, and some would say even grossly ignored.

This is an unacceptable reality. And one we need to change quickly!

Because if we want to see the transformation we need, we will need women to be healthy, happy and focused on the future.

Why? There’s no such thing as a super woman, there are only real women. Searching for ways to be the most productive, loving generous versions of themselves. Women who juggle their responsibilities as mothers, lovers and career women.

They are at the heart of their homes, and when they are happy, healthy and thrive, their families do too. They are also at the heart of their communities, and when they care about issues, they create the change they need to see. Women love to give, they love to share & they love to make a difference in peoples lives — but to do this they need to be on top of their game. They need to be happy & healthy!

To see more good decisions. To see the adoption of new and better things we need these women to be free of health issues that plague them.

This means two things:

The first — we need to focus on female health & wellbeing. Liberating women from issues that prevent them doing and being the best they can be.

The second — we need to really examine how we provide our solutions — and look to do so in a way that works for these women and their lives.

And we should look to do this Quickly.

If you, like me, are intent on helping put the right foot forward for humanity, then you should be thinking more about how to enable these women, so that these incredible inventions, technology, and solutions can be adopted and used by the 40+ women, their friends and family. Afterall, these women hold their families and our future in their hands.

They are smart, educated, and affluent — and we need to serve them up what they need! We need to provide savvy solutions in ways that can work for them. If we don’t, then we will never see the adoption and transformation within mainstream society that we need to see. And that would leave us all with a very sad, very bleak reality.

Instead let’s put the focus back where it needs to be, and on the 40+ who hold the key.



Bridget Scarr

Entrepreneur, Exec Producer, Writer on a mission to transform Women’s Wellbeing & Longevity