7 Stages of Successfully Flipping Over Your Handlebars

Bridget Zapata
Redfrog Stories
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017


I might have more experience flipping over my handlebars than anyone I know. It started when I was learning to mountain bike, but has continued whether mountain biking, commuting, or just cruising around. But hey, no broken bones yet! My favorite crashes have involved parked cars, carrying muffins, and large audiences.

Stage 1: Resistance

You see/feel it coming and try to correct the situation. If you succeed in this correction, you are a hero.

Stage 2: Uh oh!

You are launched. At this point you will likely throw out an F bomb to the world and/or belch an awkward AHHUUG. Brace yourself.

Stage 3: Mid-Air Acceptance

You’re flying through the air and think, “Welp, here I am flipping over my handlebars. I hope this doesn’t hurt at the end.”

Stage 4: The Landing

Your fall is broken by earth. You may roll, you may slide, your bicycle might land atop your body. The options are endless!

Stage 5: Immobility

“Here I am on the ground now.” Stay down there for a few okay?

Stage 6: Assessment

Slowly bend those limbs and check that body out. You good?

Stage 7: Celebrate and remount

Shake it off, you champion, time to keep moving!



Runner — Waggl marketer — gender equality advocate — Organization Development student