Ether Voxel Space: 3d world made of voxels on a blockchain

2 min readFeb 14, 2018


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I’ve been interested in blockchain technology for a while. Idea of creating a decentralized application with it’s state stored on a blockchain crossed my mind in early 2015 when nobody yet heard about Ethereum (including me).

Now, I’ve finished my first dapp (decentralized application). The project that I decided to build is called “Ether Voxel Space”. The application is simple as well as the smart contract behind it. A 3d world made of voxels, stored entirely on a smart contract, on the ethereum blockchain. Users can create and change this world by interacting with the contract.

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The world is an 3-dimensional (256x256x256) array storing coordinates, material type and ownership information about the voxels.

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There are 4 types of interactions allowed for users: Place, Repaint, Destroy and Transfer. After placing new voxel in the world, it’s owner can repaint it with another color, destroy it or transfer ownership to another ethereum address. Fee for every action is set to 0.0001 ETH to support further development and limit spam.

This is my first project on the absolutely incredible invention that Ethereum is. I am sure that blockchain will change the world and I really want to be a part of that change. It’s just a beginning and I’m sure there will be more and more ambitious dapps that people like me will create in the upcoming months and years.

Project website:

