The itch you can’t scratch

Timothy Brielmaier
2 min read3 days ago


I struggle with writing articles because I mostly feel like who cares about what I think or write.

Is it really important? I saw a deeply interesting and disturbing short video recently by Carl Sagan. He showed the view of Earth from a distance away, not sure how far, but far enough that earth was a small speck in the huge galaxy in the middle of one of the supposed number of incomprehensible universes.

His narrative and the picture of that speck made me feel very small and insignificant. It made everything seem small and insignificant, the Gaza war, the war in the Ukraine, MAGA crazies, woke crazies, American society, the Olympics, my life of 72 years, being sick with covid again. Everything on this speck in the vastness of space, seemed tiny and insignificant. In the millions and billions of years until now and in the future, does it really matter?

What’s it all mean? Is anything or anyone important? Is there a God or intelligent force that had something to do with all of this?

It scares me that I might not exist in any meaningful way in 20 years, if I’m lucky enough to live that long.

If you ponder long enough, you come to the conclusion that since it’s impossible to know the answer to the biggest questions, what matters is how we go about living our little lives the best that we can. Being kind, and compassionate. Laughing, loving, working, living life to the fullest and most positive, is what really matters. Because everyone and everything, countries, wars, dictators like Putin, would be dictators like Trump, and our lives, are all little things in the scale of the universe. So, we can have a domino effect of little things that can change our little world. It starts with every day things like a kind word, or one vote at the polls, to eventually make a difference. We can’t individually change the things that are bigger than us, but individually coming together with others starts the snowball down the hill. If that hill is a mountain how big can that snowball get? With a change in mindset maybe in my lifetime we can have peace and love rule this small speck spinning in space.

Maybe your vote for sanity, morals, love and peace matters.

Let’s start the first domino moving or first snowball down the mountain. Vote for the first woman and woman of color for president. Vote for a moral, ethical, positive, strong leader who will be responsible, and respected around the world.

Vote For Kamala Harris, and scratch that itch.



Timothy Brielmaier

Tennis Coach, traveler, human doing trying to become human being. Starting my late life crisis!