From BMT to Low IGG

Immunoglobulin G is at the Heart of the Immune System

Brien Lee
2 min readAug 15, 2022


An IgG deficiency is a health problem in which your body doesn’t make enough Immunoglobulin G (IgG). People with IgG deficiency are more likely to get infections. When your body feels it is under attack, it makes special proteins called immunoglobulins or antibodies. These antibodies are made by the plasma cells.

I just found out I have it. Given that I’ve also had a bone marrow transplant, low white cells, a generally compromised immune system, a current case of Covid, and a bad attitude because of it, I’m not happy.

Peaceful Coexistence

My immune system seems to be getting along with Covid just fine. “Live and let live,” it says, as the covid symptoms drag on for weeks and weeks.

I’m generally locked up in the house, and if I have to go somewhere (like getting food to eat) I’m double-masked, in and out. So I’m doing my part; my immune system isn’t.

What this requires is one or more shots of something or another to relieve the condition and build back the immunoglobulin. This starts at my next bi-weekly check-up next week, which undoubtedly will be handled by my doctor and nurses in visored, masked, cloaked battle gear, ready to deal with the Covid monster (me).

I hope this injection takes. I really need to shake this Covid. The only thing Covid did for me was to get me and some fellow bone marrow transplant patients out of the hospital early when it hit big last December to make room for the Covid sufferers.

But what has it done for me lately?



Brien Lee

75-year-old writer/video producer diagnosed with myelofibrosis. Bone marrow transplant 2021. 38 years sober. Slide/video pro. Inquiry email: