We are all one, the same being.

3 min readMay 14, 2024

That’s a bold statement! How are we all the same when there are murderers, terrorists, and all kinds of malicious and vicious people?

Strip it all away. Boil it down. Let’s look past everything. And I mean everything. Culture, upbringing, morals, perspectives, mindsets. Everything. Take it all away. Who are we?

One narrow analogy. Sally, a therapist with double degrees, a mother of 2. When you take those titles away. She is just simply, Sally.

But as mentioned, that was narrow. To be able to fully understand this theory, we have to strip our database fully.

That leaves this form of existence. This entity. Unknown of it’s origin. (depending on your religion) This form of Being. The closest description the english language can bend to would be a ‘soul’.

I believe we all have this soul. It is the most foundational form of life, the deepest thing one can find in the pursuit of the within.

Building off this, my perspective on people, we are all the same. And perhaps the traits we stripped away earlier are simply building blocks. Building our wall up. The wall being our life. Our story.

What is the point in knowing this?

It enforces a sense of empathy and compassion for everyone. Every best friend, family member, acquaintance, enemy, lover, etc. When someone acts a way where you would naturally be inclined to believe they aren’t inherently good, just remember that we are all of the same essence. Have some grace on their wrongdoings, perhaps they built up their walls with an unstable foundation.

For those dealing with anxiety, especially when others are around. It feels like people are constantly watching your every move. Calculating your ups and downs. I get it. No matter how many advices you get like “no one is watching you”. It just does not help. It feels as though it is in built in us. Perhaps one of the bricks in our walls.

However, by fully embracing the fact that we are all the same. It takes the edge off. Who are you to judge me when we are the same innately. By all means, watch me. This is my wall that I built. You could’ve been me. Yeah! We have the same essence of being, the ingredients in our soul is the same and the wall I built is what the soul would do in my position, with my experiences.

Perhaps, I may just be wrong on this. But I can feel it in my soul that I might not be :)




im trying my best! thank you for reading❤️