Empowering Cameroon’s Small Businesses: Cabral Libii’s Vision for 2025 Presidential Bid

Brighter cameroon
3 min readApr 26, 2024

In the bustling landscape of Cameroon’s economy, the heartbeat of growth lies within its small businesses. These enterprises not only fuel economic prosperity but also embody the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation. As Cameroon prepares for the 2025 presidential election, one candidate stands out for his unwavering commitment to fostering the growth of these small businesses — Cabral libii for small business development in 2025 cameroon presidential bid.

Cabral Libii’s vision for Cameroon is one of empowerment, particularly for small business owners who form the backbone of the nation’s economy. Through a series of innovative policies and initiatives, Libii aims to create an environment where entrepreneurs can thrive, innovate, and create jobs for their fellow citizens.

But what exactly does Cabral Libii’s plan entail, and how will it benefit small businesses across Cameroon?

  1. Promoting Access to Finance: Question: How will Cabral Libii ensure that small businesses have access to the necessary funding? Answer: Libii plans to work closely with financial institutions to streamline the lending process for small businesses, ensuring that they have access to affordable credit. Additionally, he aims to establish a dedicated fund to provide seed capital and grants to promising startups.
  2. Removing Regulatory Barriers: Question: What steps will be taken to simplify regulations for small businesses? Answer: Libii intends to undertake a comprehensive review of existing regulations, eliminating unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy that hinders small business growth. By streamlining licensing procedures and reducing compliance burdens, entrepreneurs will find it easier to start and operate their businesses.
  3. Investing in Infrastructure: Question: How will infrastructure development impact small businesses? Answer: Libii plans to invest in critical infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and internet connectivity, particularly in rural areas where many small businesses operate. Improved infrastructure not only reduces operating costs but also enhances market access, enabling businesses to reach new customers.
  4. Fostering Innovation and Technology Adoption: Question: What initiatives will be implemented to encourage innovation among small businesses? Answer: Libii envisions establishing innovation hubs and providing incentives for small businesses to embrace technology. By facilitating access to training, mentorship, and technology resources, entrepreneurs will be better equipped to innovate and stay competitive in today’s digital economy.
  5. Supporting Market Access and Export Opportunities: Question: How will Cabral Libii help small businesses access domestic and international markets? Answer: Libii plans to implement trade facilitation measures and negotiate favorable trade agreements to enhance market access for small businesses. Additionally, he will support export promotion initiatives and provide assistance to small businesses looking to expand into new markets.
  6. Prioritizing Entrepreneurship Education: Question: What role does education play in supporting entrepreneurship? Answer: Libii recognizes the importance of entrepreneurship education in fostering a culture of innovation and risk-taking. He plans to integrate entrepreneurship into the national curriculum and provide training programs to equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

As Cameroon prepares for the 2025 presidential election, the vision put forth by Cabral Libii offers hope and opportunity for small businesses across the nation. By prioritizing entrepreneurship and creating an enabling environment for business growth, Libii seeks to unleash the full potential of Cameroon’s economy and empower its citizens to build a brighter future. Visit Cabral Libii’s official website to learn more about his vision for small business development in Cameroon.

