Why Did the American Government Assassinate President Ngo Dinh Diem?

Bright Quang
4 min readNov 2, 2017


Today all does not only have Republic of Vietnam Army but also includes the Vietnamese people that we burn a stick of incense in order to remember a patriotic hero of the Vietnamese people of Ex- President Ngo Dinh Diem. For he’s dared taken the death lets him protect to the Vietnam land on November 2, 1963, since his rebellious generals who gave ear to the American Advisors. Additionally, each people of the world would adore for many heroes when they’ve dared sacrifice one’s whole life to the happiness of the people. Beside that, many worst men have been praying for the foreign invaders that they would bless to a little benefit, they listen to the foreign let them do not only sell nation to the foreign but also betray their people without regrets. Thus, they haven’t concern to any national interests and their happy people. Therefore, the national chaos always takes place on their nation. They take advantage of the war lets them enrich when they dream to have some of mansion, to fertilize life, and to oppress the innocent people. As a result, the Vietnamese people are fixed mindset, they have following with the foreign countries and they betray nation and people.

First of all, the Vietnamese people are fixed mindset when the Vietnam land is up and down for the long run. So, her is the backward country of the world. Furthermore, the education could not develop in Vietnam when no school trains for the Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese people could not learn any science and high — technology in order to find good jobs lets them seek for livelihood. Almost of the Vietnamese people concern to the agriculture, so the cultivation can not fully support to the life of the Vietnamese people. Even though, Vietnam is a land of learning, but many foreign invaders have coming to build the barbarous wars. They did not build up any universities when they incite the Vietnamese people in animosity each other. Lets them rule Vietnam for the long run.

Next, Vietnam is backward when the Vietnamese people are starving to the death — and therefore, the many of great emperors take advantage of undeveloped people, since, they use the foreign assistance in order to brainwash the unlearned men. For example, the Chinese invader, the French emperor and Americanism, their money, reputation and power have brainwashed to the poor and the unlearned men. For that reason, the wars always take place on the world. In fact, the native men do not respect about to their patriotism, what’s important is but also wish to creep to summit of the people. In case, they only join military, which looks like borrowed ladder without chooses. Notwithstanding, the life of army is dangerous to the death. But they are hopeful for conquering to the big accomplishments, they do not only be loyal to their foreign invaders but also trample their people down in order to get A point.

For just about to many Vietnamese, they have volunteering for lending a hand with the invaders because they wish the foreign invaders that they rule Vietnam for the long run. When they are proud of life, they are gloriously highly thought of the foreign invaders. In the meanwhile, they’ve the mansion, the vehicles and the well-known. For example, the Chinese invaders have been invading Vietnam for one thousand years and today, Chinese continuously rules Vietnam. The Vietnamese are ruled by the Chinese invaders when they are happy more than the common citizens. Next, the Vietnamese were ruled by the French invader, during their children have come to France in order to study and some of Vietnamese follow behind the government of the America, they are very rich when the American military cut and run out of the South Vietnam. They quickly cut and run to the United States when they forgot to brotherly love in army.

In conclusion, why has the American government assassinated President Ngo Dinh Diem? Because of the slave traders of the government of the United States of America were backward, theory of revolution of the American people always progresses up. When the American Attorneys Association always struggled for human rights, the American civil rights Associations were together fighting anti — human trafficking. In contrast, the powerful of American magnates Associations have altered slave traders policy to War Power policy in order to occupy so much of enslave when the wars should happen on anywhere on the world. In fact, some of International Treaties for Vietnam were approved by the United States Congress, but the international Treaties were carried out — and fore example, 22 U.S.C §§ 1571– 1604 Dec. 23,1950, the Paris Peace Accords in Jan17, 1973- TIAS 7542 (24 UST 4–23 and Treaty of Peace with Japan, Peace Treaty of San Francisco, mostly between Japan and the Allied Powers, was officially signed by 48 nations on September 8, 1951, in San Francisco. It came into force on April 28, 1952 and officially ended the American-led Allied Occupation of Japan. According to Article 11 of the Treaty. However, the United States of America, Communist China, and Soviet-Union didn’t perform them. Therefore, President Ngo Dinh Diem were secretly negotiating with Leader Ho Chi Minh in order to build Vietnam that will be modern, peaceful and democracy when both sides will together live in peace, but the Government of the United States of America did not agree. Because of the World War II, the American Government was surplus products, which were oldest weapons, it has needing for marketing sale. As the Government of the United States of America was secretly assassinated President Ngo Dinh Diem through by the southern rebellious generals. Therefore, so much of enslave of the Vietnam have come to the United States of America when the Government of the United States of America did not perform to compensation treaty of prisoner war in the Vietnam War.

