What Is Dating Culture Like In The Philippines?

Bright Dominic
5 min readDec 1, 2022


If you’re interested in Filipino dating culture, then either you’re already dating a Filipino girl with whom you want to spend your life, or you’ve decided that Filipino mail order brides are exactly what you need and want to learn as much as possible about the modern courtship in the Philippines.

Everything you need to know about Filipino dating customs is on my blog. Be brave.

7 Mind-boggling Filipino dating culture facts

When it comes to dating, the Philippines has its own set of customs and traditions. Here is my list of things you should know about Pinay dating culture:

1. Family is everything in the Philippines. This means that if you’re dating a Filipino, you’ll have to get used to the fact that family will always come first.

2. Filipinos are very traditional when it comes to dating. In most cases, the guy will have to ask permission from the girl’s parents before they can start going out.

3. Courtship in the Philippines is often a very slow and drawn-out process. Sometimes, it can take months (or even years!) before a relationship becomes official.

4. PDA (public displays of affection) are not really a thing in the Philippines. In general, Filipinos are quite shy when it comes to physical intimacy in public.

5. Filipina brides are known for being very obedient. This means that they’ll always put their husband’s needs ahead of their own.

6. Religion is very important in the Philippines. The majority of Filipinos are Catholic, so it’s likely that your date will be religious as well.

7. Filipinos are known for being great dancers. If you want to impress your date, make sure you know how to dance!

There you have it, some of the most fascinating Filipino dating culture facts. They’ll help you understand your date better and maybe even help you score a second date! Of course, there are so many more love lessons in Pinay dating to learn. So read on.

Modern courtship in the Philippines: how to show your love

Panliligaw”, the Tagalog word for courtship, is the most romantic and sweetest stage of every Filipino’s love life. From flower vendors on the street corners to lovers holding hands in the park, it’s hard not to notice that Filipinos are some of the most romantic people in the world.

Thus, if you want to show your love to a Filipina:

  • Text or call regularly — Show that you’re thinking about her by keeping in touch throughout the day.
  • Plan dates and surprise your lady — Take the initiative to plan fun dates, and throw in some surprises every now and then to keep things exciting.
  • Compliment your Filipina girlfriend — Let your partner know what you appreciate about her, and make her feel special.
  • Show affection in public — Holding hands, giving hugs or kisses, and showing physical affection can make your partner feel loved and secure in the relationship.
  • Share your feelings — Don’t be afraid to express how you feel about your partner, whether it’s through words or actions.
  • Show interest in her passions and hobbies — Showing support and encouragement for the things she is passionate about can strengthen your bond and make her feel loved.
  • Be willing to compromise and communicate — Relationships involve give and take, so be willing to compromise when needed and always communicate with each other openly.
  • Make your sweetheart a priority — Show that she is important to you by making time for them and prioritizing her needs.
  • Show appreciation — Let your Filipina date know that you’re grateful for her and all that she does for you.

Overall, modern courtship in the Philippines involves regular communication, interest in your partner’s passions, plans and surprises, compliments, and openness about feelings.

How to succeed in Pinay dating online

Are you ready to meet your beautiful Filipina love online? Lucky for you, As a dating expert with years of experience helping men find their perfect match in the Philippines, I know what will help you succeed in finding your very own Pinay bride through online dating:

  1. Don’t just join any dating site — do your research and find a reputable mail order bride site specifically for finding Filipina women.
  2. Have a clear picture of the type of woman you’re looking for and don’t settle for less when using search filters. Be realistic in your expectations but also open-minded to different possibilities.
  3. Take the time to learn about Filipino culture and customs, as this will show your potential match that you respect and value her roots.
  4. Don’t be afraid to make the first move and ask for video calls or real-life meetings. Pinay women appreciate a strong, assertive man who knows what he wants.
  5. Show interest in her family as they’re highly valued in the Philippines and potentially meeting them is an important step in the relationship.
  6. Be patient and don’t rush into intimate talks until you’ve built a solid foundation for your relationship.

Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to finding true love with a beautiful Filipina woman! Happy online dating!

After reading this guide, I hope you’ve gained a better understanding of the unique and intriguing Filipino dating culture. While it may seem vanilla at first, keep an open mind and remember that at the heart of it all, we’re looking for love and connection. So go forth and swipe right, set up that coffee date, and don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve.

