Feedback is a gift

Brigid Johnson
5 min readOct 17, 2019

When you work at Amazon, you hear repeatedly, “Feedback is a gift.” I might even say that feedback is Amazon’s love language. It’s how we show we care, it’s how we grow, and it’s how we innovate. Helpful feedback has three main properties: 1. When you give feedback, the feedback is for the other person and not you, 2. Feedback can be rejected or returned without you knowing, and 3. Feedback is received more openly when delivered in a manner that works best for the recipient. In this post, I talk about techniques for delivering helpful feedback.

First, though, I’ll start by defining feedback as I see it. To me, feedback is guidance you give or receive to continue a behavior or to adjust and grow in a specific area. We often refer to this as “positive” and “negative” feedback. I recommend instead calling these “strengths” and “growth areas” because these terms frame your feedback’s purpose more clearly.

As a manager, peer, and friend, I give a lot of feedback at Amazon. In the remainder of this post, I cover four techniques for giving feedback that have worked for me.

1. Give more feedback about your colleague’s strengths and focus on specific areas of growth

With feedback, the easiest place to start is to tell a colleague where they fall short. However, what is more valuable, earns trust, and helps others grow is starting by giving…



Brigid Johnson

Product manager who enjoys personal and career development, tech, horses, and everyday life. Opinions expressed entirely my own.