Embrace Productivity

Brigita Bulsyte
3 min readFeb 13, 2015

Time's value in the modern world is precious beyond any doubt. I have tamed this idea, extended my work hours and strictly pushed myself to the scrupulous routine. Then burnt out, let go and acted utterly spontaneously.

Later I learnt, that a key is in finding a halfway point between discipline and improvisation. An enforced rush and extra night hours may help to meet the deadlines, yet repeating more and more frequently, can cause an irritation and loss of the joy. Balance between goals, actions and rest is immerse.

This is why I wrote myself a brief manifesto, called "Embrace Productivity". It's all about how to stay happy, balanced and get things done.

Know what you want.

Knowing what you want saves a decent amount of time and nerves. Leaving dreams floating in the air or setting goals with blurry lines, can curse them with a destiny of never being fulfilled.

We might not know straight away what is our core desire. But we may never find it out, if we will not try. The first step is to ask yourself. If there are many options arising — cut something out. Overbooking yourself with numerous targets is just a candy for an ego that results in a headache. Less is more. It's better to have few goals with a strict borders and clear vision, than many undefined ones.

Farewell to a pipe-dreaming.

“A vision without execution is a hallucination.” — Jeffrey E. Garten, The Mind Of The CEO

Dreaming is a piece of cake. Imagination can build and destroy in seconds. Can make impossible things possible and spice up a dull reality. Dreaming can be roots of creativity, but even dreaming should have its limits.

Keeping our visions and dreams real, requires an action. Holding on to a dream without any deed is lying to oneself. Dreaming of something you may not take actions to fulfil, is not only a heartbreak. It's a pure waste of time and energy. Meanwhile, staying real is bold and healthy.

Focus on a one thing at a time.

Focus is a key to quality and perfection in every little detail. Multi tasking keeps our head occupied with noise. However these days, in most cases, it’s unavoidable. No matter how many tasks are awaiting behind, the focus should be fully concentrated on a one thing at a time. Staying at a presence is a bliss for productivity. You get things done without irritation and you are way more likely to avoid mistakes.

Take your time.

“Nature never rushes, yet everything is accomplished.” — Lao Tzu

Love is patient. Fall in love with a process. With every letter and every word, if it's an article. With every pixel and every color, if it's a design. Good things require time. It doesn't mean you have to be slow, but there is no need to rush either. Put your heart in what you do. The fundamental value of every labor is amount of love you have submitted.

Work hard, rest harder.

Finding a strict balance between work and rest is essential. Take your weekends seriously. Indulge yourself with a piece of your favorite cake on a Saturday morning. Run in the nature. Take deep breaths. Have a good sleep. Spend time with your friends and family. Stay curious, adventurous, read books.

Stay away from devices, if your work requires you to be attached to them every single day. Do things that makes you feel relaxed and happy. And come back on Monday with a smile and energy to accomplish whatever you have promised yourself this time.

Attaining your personal targets and preserving a well structured self-discipline is only up to you. At the end of the day there is nothing more diverting as leading a life you are in control of.



Brigita Bulsyte

Digital Product Designer. I write about design and technology.