Stop telling people with anxiety/depression that they do this to themselves-

Brittany Graziano
8 min readOct 18, 2017

Just imagine.. Imagine having a flood of emotions run through your entire mind and body, causing all sorts of physical changes and intrusive, unwanted thoughts. Now, imagine that feeling, that nervous, anxious, overwhelming feeling that would give you, and going to someone for comfort. To confide in them. To ask for help. To try and explain yourself because you trust that person. You just trusted that person with your feelings, all for them to say to you “It’s all in your head, you’re doing it to yourself.” or another good one is “You’ll be fine. You do realize you do this to yourself, right?” Will I though? Do you know that for sure that I’ll be fine? You really think I do this to myself and I enjoy this? Because quite frankly, I don’t think you have the slightest clue or reassurance. And I’ll tell you something else, I damn well do not enjoy going through this, therefor, I do not do this to myself and choose to feel this way.

I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression since I was 16.. I am now 25 years old working full time as a CMA for the last 5 years and a nursing student who is aspiring to become a Pediatric Oncology nurse. I am beyond proud of my accomplishments and what I have done and have yet to be, but that does not mean my mental illness does not have a major impact on me every single day. I…

