
Brianna Heron
7 min readSep 13, 2022

(Flash Fiction)

Each time I find a way out, he puts a new camera up. In total, he’s had to put up seven more cameras since I’ve been here, but I’m determined to find a way out. The first time I tried escaping was by the barn. It’s poorly lit over there, so I thought it would be a prime spot to slip away in the never-ending woods. I should’ve taken into account that he knows the woods like the back of his hand. But that thought didn’t cross my mind until I circled the same tree five times, and his heavy footsteps grew closer and closer. Next time, I tried going out through the window. He has cameras by the front door, but I hoped I could find a way off the roof without triggering those cameras.

Every time I concocted a plan to leave, I knew there was a high probably he’d find me if I didn’t think through the plan clearly. Usually, I’d spend several weeks trying to work out the kinks before trying. Each time I’d try to leave, he’d find more ways to keep me here. So, when I finally was able to bust my window open, I knew that I had to be practically as quiet as a mouse on it. He lived on the first floor and gave me the second floor to myself. The house was old so anytime I walked on the hard wood floor it creaked. So, I assumed the roof could be just as noisy and after I unfortunately found out he was a light sleeper, I knew I couldn’t make my potential escape quick. I had to be as slow and as silent as…



Brianna Heron

Writer of flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poems, and short stories.