Don’t Settle for a Job

Brianna Heron
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Why settling for a job is the biggest mistake you can make…

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I think there’s no denying that I lack motivation more than the average person. It’s not because I don’t want to work. Well, sometimes I don’t but I think everybody can relate to that at some point in their life or another. But it’s because for a long period of time I hadn’t found what got me out of the bed in the morning. I couldn’t find something that excited me enough to sit at a desk and work for several hours on. And most importantly, I couldn’t find something that I thought I could spend the rest of my life doing.

Most of my college was spent working towards a degree I didn’t truly enjoy. I could get through the classes without any issue, but I would sit back in my chair during my classes and think to myself how this career path could never make me happy. I know I’m not the only person that has felt this. Most people end up not even using their degree and find themselves in a completely different career path than they thought they would be in. I have no problem with that, but I did have a problem with finishing college and not getting the degree I truly wanted. I ended up adding another two semesters to my college career to obtain the degree I wanted, and while I thought I would regret not being able to graduate with my friends, I don’t in the slightest.



Brianna Heron

Writer of flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poems, and short stories.