Intention setting works! A new take on your vision board. +free template

Brittany Mederos
3 min readNov 8, 2018


Wanted to share a personal story that illustrates how you can manifest what you aim for, even if you don’t know exactly how you’ll get there.

My husband and I set these goals and intentions at the beginning of this year. We wanted to set goals for the important things in our life — we were about to be first time parents, we love to travel, our relationship, our health, and our professional goals. We hung them up in our main hallway so we would pass them every day and they would be present in our everyday happenings.

No joke, these have been up in our apartment since January 1st of this year.

These were the goals:

1. Survive a baby

We just had our daughter in March. She is incredible, and I’m happy to report that we are doing better than surviving. We are thriving as new parents, enjoying each moment.

2. Travel someplace new

We love to travel. So we took our family to Venice Beach/Abbot Kinney area in Los Angeles.

3. One date per month

This one was super tough as new parents. It is super important to us to make a commitment to focus on our relationship now that we had a newborn. And I think we’ve hit every month (although not all the dates were sans bebe)

4. Active 3x a week

We care about our health and staying healthy. This was an interesting intention. We knew that it would be important to be “active” but purposely kept it more open ended so that we could feel accomplished with any activity we did during the week that felt like a workout.

5. Grow an audience

We wanted to grow our personal branding and blog more… here I am!

6. Build a team

I’m hiring on my design team at Microsoft, and I’m building a team to support my new health and wellness business (more on that below)

7. Find meaningful work

When I was about to go out on maternity leave, I was on a short term project and I was hoping to come back from maternity leave to a new challenge. Little did I know that would manifest as a position on the PowerPoint design team, and as me gaining the courage starting my health and wellness business.

As I reflect on this year I’m so amazed at how powerful these intentions were in our lives. I’m a believer, and can’t wait to create our set for 2019. If you want to create your own set I made a template version to get you started.

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in working together in the health and wellness space, or wants to learn more send me a message on Instagram or email me at



Brittany Mederos

Senior designer @Microsoft. Proud new mama, working towards my health and life goals, living on coffee and dreaming of traveling to new places.