Job opportunities after MCA

Brindavan College
2 min readSep 2, 2016

Everyone wants to succeed in life and create a good career for survival. People choose different career options depending upon their interest area. Such as B. Sc., B.Tech, BCA, BBA and so on, afterwards students pursue masters in their respective fields for more enhancements in their career. In today’s world, IT sector is grasping more career opportunities. Therefore student opt for better future in this sector and adopt courses related to IT. MCA is also one of the courses which provide masters degree in computer field.

Brindavan College Bangalore provides some tips for gaining better job opportunities after MCA:

· Firstly what is MCA? It is masters in computer application and can be adopted by the students who have done their graduation degree in bachelors of computer applications. It is three year oriented program designed for the students who are interested in Information Technology field. Anyone can join this program at any age basically there is no age bar for doing this course. MCA is a post graduation course offered by many universities and colleges in the country. The main objective of this course is to impart the knowledge of software and software related subjects according to the skills of students.

· Now comes to job opportunities in this field. MCA has job opportunity in both government and private sectors. MCA graduates are hired by government companies such as GAIL, BHEL, NTPC etc and in private sectors company like Infosys, Accenture, HP, Wipro, TCS hires them. As a fresher, a MCA graduate can earn a package of 2.4 to 3.4 lakhs. The posts on which they are hired are such as

A project manager

An analyst

A general manager

Software developer or programmer

Software engineer

Brindavan College offers best facilities and education in respective field. So it is advisable to choose this college for pursuing MCA. It provides best faculty for great achievements in the course. It also offers placements to the well reputed firms which make your future and career better. At the ending of the course students have to under go a training period which provides them the experience of working. So just go and grab the job after MCA!

