Introducing Asgardeo Organization Branding

Brion Mario
Identity Beyond Borders
2 min readFeb 26, 2022

Asgardeo’s new Organization Branding feature is now available for the public to try out 🎉.

Asgardeo Organization Branding

In this blog, I’ll try to cover the problem that’s been addressed and what’s offered with the new feature.

The Problem 🤔

When you are using a 3rd party service to log in users to your applications, one of the most common problems that arise is the fact that the users will clearly see the transition in the look and feel in the login journey. Meaning that the color palette, the logo, etc. of your application will not match with the login screen of the 3rd party IDaaS.

This will result in a bad user experience and also your users might feel a sense of insecurity if they notice that they are being redirected to a third party.

Branding to the Rescue ⛑

With the new Branding feature, you can control the following aspects of the login, sign up & recovery experience.

  • Site Title
  • Copyright Text
  • Contact Email
  • Logo
  • Favicon
  • Primary Color
  • Links (Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Cookie Policy)

Once you configure the above according to the design guideline of your organization, your users will get a consistent and familiar user experience.

Key Features ✨

Easy to Configure Layout

The configurations are clearly laid out and categorized based on the context.


Basic branding preferences that should be updated for organizations are placed in this section.


All the design-related configurations that affect the look and feel of the login screens are kept here.

The images (logo & favicon) update fields have inline previews and the primary color can be chosen easily with the help of the color picker.


If you have a custom privacy policy/terms of service/cookie policy links, you can configure them here.

Realtime Preview

The split view has a preview window that reflects the changes you do in real-time. With this, you can easily experiment without going live with the changes.

Real-Time Preview

Centralized Branding

The changes you do here will be reflected in the login, sign-up, recovery, and MFA flows. So, you don’t need to replicate the process in multiple steps.

Concluding Remarks 🔚

Asgardeo RnD team is tirelessly working on improving the feature further.

If you have any further requests or suggestions, please reach out to the team though our community or via

Signing off… ✌️❤️


