My Husband, My Love

Morning Thoughts in Maui

Britlin Lee
3 min readAug 10, 2018

Nathan Furst and Britlin Lee Furst. July 29th 2018.

While laying in bed watching the sky lighten up in different shades of pink and purple over the ocean in Maui, I think again and again about how lucky I am to have Nathan beside me. Cheek to cheek, hand in hand, I reminisce about the earliest moments of our relationship. I think of the first time I knew I wanted hugs that lasted a little longer than usual with him, or the times I began writing positive notes around his place to make him smile. I remember the time he showed me the farm and we picked lettuce straight from the ground. And I especially remember sitting across from him in the car, wondering why I was more focused on how attractive and loving he was rather than focusing on the concert we were headed towards.

When I think of how lucky we are to be here, now, in love and married, I see how the universe conspired to help us become one. I used to live so far away, but I always had a prayer and hope in my heart that I’d find my soulmate somehow, someway. I knew he was the one just after being around him for a week. I knew when I got on the plane to head back to New York that I had to do something about this ache in my heart. Understandably, love has been, again and again, the thing I fight the hardest for. Somehow, all of my willpower and strength comes out like an inner Joan of Arc. I knew I’d be leaving my old life and I knew I’d be changing my whole life to be in California. However, once I landed at LAX, I knew that I was starting my life for the first time. This was a beginning, a renewal, a rebirth into who I truly am all because of the love of a man who dotes on me continually, every second of the day.

Nathan is a one of a kind miracle. I’m hypnotized by him daily, and now that I’m his wife, I’m on cloud nineteen. It’s true that to have a teammate for life is the greatest way to walk on this earth. As we stood hand in hand on our wedding day with the sun elegantly etching itself through the swaying trees, I felt the most real, the most happy, and the most loved. Our wedding day felt royal, like I was marrying a king (I call him that)!

Cheers to a love always worth fighting for. From the kiss we shared in the airport with all my luggage and possessions by my side, to this very day laying beside you in Maui, I am overcome by a knowing that I am safe, adored, taken cared of, and treated right. I thank God for His grace. Without Him, where would I be?

