Want to make money without being sleazy?

Make $150 per Day with a Tiny Blog without Being Salesy

Everyone can do this from their own blog

Britt Malka šŸ¦Š
5 min readDec 5, 2023


Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash

What niche are you in?

In fact, it doesnā€™t matter. You can do this with any niche. I learned this tip after I quit my day job in 1995.

It was valid back then.

I made thousands of dollars with it almost instantly and tens of thousands over the years. This worked in 1995. But donā€™t despair.

It works even better today.

But Brittā€¦ There Were No Blogs In 1995


Thatā€™s the main reason for why it works better today. I had to do with a small homepage and a local audience. Today?

We have the entire world as our audience.

And everyone can set up a blog. Donā€™t know how? Check it out on YouTube. Still donā€™t know how?

Find someone to do it for you on Fiverr.

All you need to make money online is a web host, a blog and some blog posts.

How Does This Work?

Basically, itā€™s exactly the same as in 1995.

You use things in your business. Whether your blog is about knitting, birds or getting fit, you use things. But how will this help you?

Letā€™s take an example.

Letā€™s say you have just set up a blog about balcony gardening. What kind of people do you think that will attract? Youā€™re right.

Other people interested in balcony gardening.

What do you use that they will want to use too?

Gardening tools for your balcony. You can mention those in your blog posts. But thereā€™s a better way.

A way you can make a lot more money faster.

What Else Do You Use?

This may be so obvious to you that you donā€™t even think about it.

But even though your visitors are interested in your topic, i.e. balcony gardening, they may also be interested in something else. Setting up their own blog. Sharing their experience as their garden grows.

To have your own blog, you need:

  • A web host
  • A domain name
  • A WordPress theme

And hereā€™s the advice I got about this in 1995.

(Back then, the things I used for my accounting business were a computer, an accounting programā€¦ boring stuff like that.)

My counselor told me: Become a re-seller and never pay for your own products again.

He was right. They didnā€™t have affiliate programs as we know them today. But many companies, including big computer companies, would allow mortals like me to become re-sellers.

It worked!

To my surprise, I sold computers, accounting programs and more. And I could buy my own things with a re-seller discount. You canā€™t do that today.

But you can often get review copies from the vendors.

Back to the blogging thing. If your visitor wants a blog of his own, but he/she has no idea about how to set it up, you can help. You can create a 7-day email course, where you show them the exact same videos that helped you.

Then add your affiliate links to the domain registrar you use and the web host you use.

Many of them will let you become their affiliates, even if you only have a small blog with few visitors. Just do a search for your web host and ā€œaffiliateā€ and your domain registrar and ā€œaffiliateā€ or ā€œpartner programā€ and youā€™ll find a page where you can sign up.

When youā€™re a customer yourself at that place, it increases your chances of getting approved.

Now to Get Visitors Who Will Sign Up

When you have a new or tiny blog, itā€™s hard, almost impossible, to get found through search engines.

Sure, you should do some search engine optimization (SEO) but itā€™s more important to write for human readers. Until you have many blog posts indexed and shown in Google and Bing, you have to use other means to get traffic. You will probably want to continue to use those means.

Iā€™m talking about Pinterest.

Pinterest is a perfect tool for bloggers. Why? Because with one headline and an interesting image, you can attract visitors.

Itā€™s the whole purpose of Pinterest.

  • Get new pins
  • Share them with interested members
  • Send them off to good blogs or articles

They know Pinterest users will come back.

They arenā€™t afraid of losing visitors like other platforms are, like Twitter (now known by some as X), LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTubeā€¦

They all want their visitors to stay. Preferably forever.

Pinterest is happy to see them go and return later.

How to Start With Pinterest

You need an account on Pinterest.

Then immediately turn it into a business account. Itā€™s free. And it gives you two huge advantages:

  • You get analytics for your pins
  • You can add your own blog domain

Add your blog domain to your account settings and validate it. Just follow their guide for this.

Then create one image for each blog post.

Later, you will create more, but start with one. Use Canva or similar service that makes it easy to create an image in the exact format youā€™ll want for Pinterest. This can changeā€¦

But right now a good format is 1000 pixels wide and 1500 pixels high.

You can add the image to your blog post. Or you can use it directly for a pin. Then write a small text, an appetizer, for each pin.

Finally, add the URL to the blog post.

This will ensure that when someone clicks your pin to read more, theyā€™ll go straight to your blog post. And from there, you can invite them to join your email list to learn about the tools you use.

Thatā€™s how simple it is.

How Does This Add Up to $150 a day?

While selling a pair of gardening gloves through Amazon will only make you a few cents, hosting companies pay a lot more.

Make sure itā€™s a good company and that youā€™re happy with the hosting. There are well-paying web hosts out there that I would NEVER ever recommend. Wellā€¦ Okay, maybe to my worst enemy. šŸ˜‰

If youā€™re happy with the company, chances are your visitor will be happy, too.

Besidesā€¦ your real feelings will show in your writing. Only psychopaths will be cold enough to hype up a bad product and sell it with a clean conscience.

Will This Make You $150 Straight Away?

It can.

But honestlyā€¦ Maybe it doesnā€™t. Because youā€™ll need to tweak your system to suit you.

Maybe the first descriptions you make arenā€™t that convincing.

Maybe nobody sees your pins at first. Keep pinning. Keep writing blog posts.

Patience is your strongest weapon against poverty.

The more you practice, the better youā€™ll get. Just keep an eye on the analytics so you can learn from which pins get the most attention. And which ones only see crickets.

Be consistent and youā€™ll get there faster than you thought possible.

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Britt Malka šŸ¦Š

I quit my day-job in 1995. Now I'm helping others use writing to gain financial freedom.