Get Ready for 2024

This Blogger Made $1,047,401.19 in Less Than 11 Months

Here’s how he recommends you start your blog in 2024

Britt Malka 🦊
5 min readNov 23, 2023


Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

Does $10,000 within 6–10 months sound good to you?

Note: Before you start reading the rest of the article, you may want to check out my eBook 1-Hour Money-Maker which you can get here (link will take you offsite outside of Medium).

It does to me. But honestly, I have no idea whether or not it’s possible. It sounds like a steep claim to me.

Nevertheless, according to Adam Enfroy, this is possible if you follow his suggested plan to start a blog in 2024.

He himself made $1,047,401.19 between January 1 and October 21, 2023. But he’s not new to blogging. He started in 2019.

Since he’s outsourcing most of the work with his blog, and only works on it himself around 5 hours a month, he shares a lot of his knowledge freely on YouTube.

Starting from Scratch with a Blog

What should you expect from a new blog?

Crickets. No visitors. No income.

Sadly, that’s how it is.

And There You Are, Writing and Creating Content

Don’t give up, you tell yourself.

And then you spend another hour, writing yet another blog post that gets no visitors. Maybe it doesn’t even get indexed by Google. It feels more and more like a waste of time.

That happened to me a couple of years ago.

I started a new blog. I was full of hope and super-passionate about the topic. But every time I wrote new blog posts, my husband looked at me.

“Are you now wasting time on that again?”

He would ask me how much money I’d made with it. And when I finally made $1.24, he did not at all share my enthusiasm.

After a while, I felt guilty when I wrote blog posts.

Now, sadly, my promising blog is mostly deserted. It started to get traffic a while ago, but since I don’t keep it updated…

Yeah, crickets.

Until Now! Here’s What I’m Going to Do

I’m going to follow advice from these successful bloggers with a great strategy.

I’ve already mentioned Sophia Lee’s brilliant progress from getting her blog idea to adding a little more each year for five years.

Here’s Adam’s Strategy In a Nutshell

Adam recommends finding a popular physical product with low competition.

He mentions gas grills as an example. And says the goal is to write informational articles about the items (80%) and around 20% transactional blog posts (to promote the items).

Adam’s Focus

Adam says focus should be on content creation and link building.

To ensure new links towards his blog, he recommends doing keyword research. He uses ahrefs, which is probably the most precise of the keyword tools.

It may also be one of the most expensive.

Since we should focus on content for humans, not search engines, we’ll look for keywords that starts with “how to” and “best.”

“How to” articles are bound to share helpful information to readers.

And “best” will show you what people are searching for in your niche.

This Is How You Should Share Your Content

When it comes to sharing your content, Adam has very strict ideas about the best way to do it.

Use unique images, he says. It’s better to take your own pictures, even though they look unprofessional, than using stock photos. Do you need to own the physical objects to snap those pictures?

No. It helps, but you can also snap pictures in shops (maybe ask permission first) or in a friend’s house and similar.

Everybody and their AI pal can set up a blog today, so it’s important to show you’re for real.

And the best way to do that is by using real and unique images.

Adam also has recommendations for how he structures the article’s headlines.

He uses the title of the blog post, the H1-tag for the best keyword. Then he uses the sub-headers, the H2-tags for questions.

He also recommends using a table of contents (you can get those with a free addon to WordPress).

Make It Better

Always do your best when you write your blog posts.

But you can do better, yet. The more you write, the better you get. But what about your first blog posts?

The ones you write six months later are much better.

You should go back and update your content. Adam does that every six months. His goal: make the posts 1% better.

This could be by adding 250 words of new content.

You could update the images. Or you could add a novel experience to your blog post. (Some bloggers also update the year, which they only have in the headline, not the URL.)

Don’t Just Do — Think

When you set up a blog and use AdSense at first, it’s easy to just put ads everywhere.

That’s not what Adam does. He considers the content and then decides if it’s better to have affiliate links on a page or ads.

What do people want? He asks.

If it’s general information, for example recipes on a food blog, then ads would be the better choice.

If you’re talking about a specific item, like a gas grill, then affiliate links are the logical choice.

And as for getting your affiliate links, Adam uses mainly Partnerstack and Impact.

Five Hours Work a Month Make Him More than $1 Mio a Year

Sure, Adam Enfroy has a team of writers today.

But he started his blog from scratch. Just like you and me. If he could do it, so can we.

You can start small, if you like. Test the waters. See if blogging is for you.

As a loyal Medium reader, you can get my “1-Hour Money-Maker” for free here today by using the coupon code MEDIUM (note: clicking this link will take you offsite outside of Medium).



Britt Malka 🦊

I quit my day-job in 1995. Now I'm helping others gain financial freedom by writing.