Why You Keep Pulling the Magician in Your Readings

12th House Tarot
5 min readAug 18, 2023

Do you keep pulling the Magician card in your tarot readings? It can be frustrating to keep pulling the same card. Pulling the same tarot card can indicate an important message or theme relevant to your life.

Tarot cards reflect your subconscious mind and all the energies surrounding you. Let’s look into what your higher self and angel guides are trying to tell you using the Magician card.

Why Does The Magician Keep Appearing in Your Readings?

The magician is a powerful card with practical and divine significance. This card often represents personal empowerment, divinity, creativity, and manifesting desires.

The magician is a student of life, sometimes called the keeper of memories. He started his journey on pure instinct like the fool and developed great wisdom through his experiences. He can now use his discernment to see through illusions meant to take him off his path.

He has mastered all four suits represented in the tarot. He is the master of his emotions(cups), his resources(pentacles), his thoughts(swords), and his passions(wands.)

He is aligned with the divine and knows what it takes to manifest here on Earth. Your life is a result of your intentions, desire, and willpower. How can you

