I’m selling 496 hours of my free time as a designer.

Brittany Metz
3 min readMay 18, 2015

What’s going on?

It’s a Sunday. I’m working on a freelance project. It’s a full day project. Branding jobs take time because no matter how good you think your first attempt is, it’ll only get better the more itterations you do on it (at least in my case). Anyway, I have a job that will take 8 hours. I charge $50/hr. How do you know how much to charge? That’s a different story, but the short answer is, that’s how much my time is worth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. So this 8 hour project is going to cost $400. That’s not bad. It feels right on both sides of the exchange.

Then I had an idea…

An idea that would really just mean I would have to work late hours into the night on the 8 hour project I had started earlier today.

I’ve got a ton of student loans. One of them makes me feel sick at night. I have a $25,000 private student loan at a beautiful 10% interest. Sure, sure, sure, we can sit here while you tell me clever ways I can game the system or pay minimums while investing in other things. It’s easier for me to design then to find clever ways to pay these loans off.

So, that’s $400 a day. I have 2 free days a week. That’s $3,200 a month if I book my weekends full time. Yeah, that’s ambitious, but I don’t understand how I could pay off these loans and not be a little ambitious about it.

So what do you get?

You get my time. Only in increments of 8 hours, no less. The whole work day is yours! If you want me to spend 8 hours hand drawing portraits of your grandmother’s face, then this is what I’ll do. You want me to make hundreds of birds out of shapes with various color pallets, yeah I’ll do that. The time is yours.

Sure, you can use it to rebrand your business, get a nice new full bleed landing page, create a custom mascot, or something more practical than shape birds. I’m just saying it’s your time.

Maybe you want drawings of all your team members on toilets for the “about page” of your website…

You get the idea…

How do I book a day?

Just fill this out, and I’ll let you know which day I’ve dedicated to your project. We can go over the details right away! Also, this isn’t mentioned a whole log, but not all projects and designers are a good fit. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know if I’m the wrong person for the job. ☺


