Under The Clock Tower.

Brittany Mullis
3 min readJul 22, 2020
Image Source Unsplash by Jonathan Poncelet

It was a blistering hot day. The Florida breeze the only thing that keeps the little beads of sweat from forming. Excitement, my form of adrenaline keeping me going after a long stent of homework the night prior, rushing from the library where I had spent the last few hours doing more homework still.

I thought only about getting to the front of the college before my mom got there. I had to get to my practice on time. Worried, worried about the timing of being dual-enrolled in high school and college at the same time. “No,” I told myself. “I am lucky. Free college. Don’t waste it.”

The Clock Tower is towering in the middle of the school, like the Emerald City in Oz. Paths from the many different buildings all leading to it. I raced across now only to stop dead in my tracks. James is standing under the clock tower. I mentally prepare for what is to come next. James has had a crush on me as long as I have known him. He isn’t my type, too dark, but he refuses to be let down gently. I know the best bet is to avoid, to go around, but I am so short on time. I decide to go for it, so I take a deep breath and prepare myself.

Stepping under the cover of the clock, I immediately feel the temperature drop several degrees. I jostle my books and try to pull my sticky hair from my forehead. James is already hitting on me, but his words don’t seem to register in my…

