100 Days of Code 2017 — Week 1 Recap

Brittany Walker
4 min readJan 9, 2017


The first week of my 100 Days of Code challenge is almost complete. Below is a recap of everything I accomplished during this first week.

I went a little crazy with Star Trek themed projects, had tons of fun designing and planning projects, became addicted to CSS images and met some awesome people at local Meetups!


The majority of my coding this week was for three projects. I also completed some Javascript exercises and read the first You Don’t Know JS book.

Coding Journey Calendar:

It works!

For this project, I drew wireframes on paper to plan the layout for different screen sizes. I then wrote out the HTML and started to add the CSS. The latest update was adding media queries to make it responsive. The next step will be to finish up the CSS and add the real content.

I also plan on learning more about Flexbox and Bootstrap next week.

Free Code Camp Tribute Page:

I finished up my Free Code Camp tribute page. This project also started with a wireframe. Instead of paper I used wireframe.cc to create a general layout.

Demo: Leonard Nimoy Tribute Page

CSS Images:

On Twitter I stumbled upon a tweet by Mike Mangialardi about CSS images. this led to me reading through his A Beginner’s Guide to Pure CSS Images tutorial and creating some CSS images of Kirk and Spock. This was my first try and it actually turned out great! Next steps will be to learn how to make them responsive and do a better job of condensing the code.

Once again, this project started with a sketch!

Demo: Kirk & Spock CSS Images

Any feedback on my projects is appreciated. I have only been coding for a few months so there is still a ton for me to learn.


I attended two coding Meetups this week and found both of them to be extremely helpful.

Introduction to JavaScript (Thinkful DC)

My first Meetup of the week was Introduction to JavaScript which was hosted by Thinkful, an online coding bootcamp. They are building a presence in Washington, DC and are hosting quite a few free courses this January. This was the first of the series and it covered the basics of JavaScript. The class was taught by Dan Friedman, co-founder of Thinkful.

Ruby on Rails: First Timer’s Night (Women Who Code DC)

The second Meetup I attended was a Ruby on Rails introduction course hosted by Women Who Code DC. After discussing a lot of helpful resources for learning, we installed Ruby and Rails and went over some Ruby basics.

What’s Next?

My plans for next week are:

  • Finish my Coding Journey Calendar and add in all of the data.
  • Continue making CSS images. Also participating in Daily CSS Images, where daily CSS image challenges are sent to you via email.
  • Write the HTML for my portfolio and nail down the layout. I will submit this as my Free Code Camp project and will also be using it as my real portfolio.
  • Continue learning JavaScript.
  • And attend Meetups!

To see my daily progress, follow me on Twitter @musicalwebdev.

