Plant Journal #1

Brea Rivard
3 min readDec 1, 2015


My Backyard



I am sitting outside in my backyard staring at these little blackberry bushes which I had never even known were there. That may sound crazy because I didn’t know what was in my backyard, but the truth is I have only lived in this house for a couple months because my family just moved. Looking at this bush reminds me of what my old house was like, which is where I had lived all of my life up until this recent move. I really miss my old house but for reasons out of my control we had to move. I don’t really know what I am supposed to write in here because I feel like there is only so much that I can say about this blackberry bush until this journal would become very boring or completely off topic.

My younger sister and I before my senior prom. (This is what my backyard looks like)

I guess I will just continue to journal about my life. After my first couple days of college, I really don’t know where I stand yet on the amount of homework I will have, but I am excited to find that out. It is still pretty much summer which I hate because it is way too hot and I can’t wait for winter and the cold to arrive. It is also very hot outside today which I hate. My plant is cool because I found a couple ripe berries to eat so that is nice.

It has only been 15 minutes and I have no idea what I am supposed to write and I am so sorry this is so boring because I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing here. There is only so much that you can say about a plant and I don’t know what else to do.

Later I am going four-wheeling in Jackman so I am pretty excited about that and spending this much time with nature is reminding me of all the beautiful plants and animals up there. I am going with my boyfriend and his family at their camp. It is always so much fun when we go up there I am getting so excited.

A photo from our adventures at camp.

My plant looks nice and healthy so that’s good. It sits right on the line between the mowed grass and the woods in my backyard. I wonder what is in the woods behind my house; they seem to go on forever. I am not familiar these kinds of woods because in my old backyards woods there was mostly just bamboo and a couple big trees, but this new backyard looks more like typical woods. Well it looks like the time is about up so I guess I will be back next week.

