Plant Journal #7

Brea Rivard
2 min readDec 2, 2015


My Backyard



Today he would have been 74. I really love this stupid little plant now. I come here and I automatically think of my Pepere. Although I still believe this assignment is stupid, it is a little less stupid when I think about how it reminds me of my Pepere. I needed longsleeves and a sweatshirt to come outside today which signals the changing of seasons. It is about time the temperature begins to drop. My plant looks the same as usual though. My dad cut the lawn the other day and kinda cut down my plant but no worries there is another one behind it which will have to do.

I can talk about that for a while. Humans are always interfering with plant life without even realizing it. My dad probably thought nothing about cutting down this little blackberry bush because it was interfering with the lawn. But if someone just killed a human being it would be a completely different story, and someone would most likely be going to jail for committing such a crime. But we do not think of plants like human beings. To some extent, I definitely believe that plants and animals are definitely inferior to humans. In some ways that last sentence is contradictory because humans are technically animals. But that is not exactly what I believe in. Humans have the chance to make it into heaven, while animals do not. That says something about how superior we are.

This is my friend’s dog.

A plant is not living in the same way that an animal lives, which is not the same way that a human lives. Honestly, if you had to pick t kill either a plant, an animal, or a human being, which one would be easiest to kill? A plant of course. The hardest? A human being. That analogy speaks more words than I could ever type out on this computer during 30 minutes, but I honestly came up with that in my own mind just now. Someone has probably thought that before me, but these two events I promise you were independent of each other. It is easier to kill a plant, and harder to kill a human being. Sure, that could just be because society thinks of things differently than we should, but regardless that is the way it is.

It is time for me to leave for mass now, todays mass is in remembrance of Pepere so it is a big deal. I will be back next week.

