Case: Sighting of an “egg-shaped craft” in Socorro, New Mexico on April 24, 1964.

Berkin Y.
3 min readJun 15, 2023


The Person Related to the Case: Socorro Police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora


Sergeant Lonnie Zamora departed his cruiser on a rough and rocky dirt road to investigate an unidentified flying object which came to rest in an arroyo south of Socorro, at approximately 5:45 p.m. was an “egg-shaped craft” traveling into Socorro from the south which was later reported and documented as having been witnessed (in flight) by 5 tourists traveling through Socorro.

Zamora later stated that he had first seen the object from about 150 yards and believed it to be a car or some sort of vehicle in need of assistance. Zamora then radioed the Sheriff’s Office about a possible accident he would be investigating. Zamora then contacted New Mexico State Police Sergeant Samuel Chavez, someone who Zamora trusted to assist in the investigation.

After requesting the assistance of NMSP Sergeant Chavez, Zamora once again began approaching the object. At about 50 feet from the object, Zamora noted seeing landing gear and a red insignia which he later drew for authorities. Then saw two people in white coveralls very close to the object. One of these persons seemed to turn and look straight at his car and seemed startled — seemed to jump quickly somewhat. These persons appeared normal in shape — but possibly they were small adults or large kids. Zamora then noted bright blue flames and another loud roar until ultimately the object began lifting away from its resting place.

Following the incident, many local residents visited the sight and witnessed not only burned bushes but also landing gear depressions in the ground.

Zamora claimed that the area of the incident was investigated by governmental projects.


This case is very interesting because Mr. Zamora stated that he saw bright blue flames and heard a loud roar when the object was ascending. In a significant number of the cases I have read, witnesses often described UFOs as having no visible propulsion and being silent. So this makes me think that maybe what Mr.Zamora saw might be a reverse-engineered craft. Alternatively, it could be a secret experimental aircraft disguised as a UFO in order to conceal what it actually is.

Let’s consider the theory that what he saw was a reverse-engineered craft. In that case, the individuals he saw wearing white coveralls would make perfect sense, as it would be an effective way to hide a secret experimental craft. Anyone who saw it would think it was controlled by space beings rather than by Air Force members. If we assume that the craft came from space, his description of small adults or large kids regarding the beings is also convincing, as people who have encountered aliens often describe their size as “child-like.”

Burnt bushes and landing gear marks on the ground provide convincing evidence of a landing. It would also be interesting to find out if a radiation survey was conducted in the landing area. Such a survey could help determine whether the craft was reverse-engineered or from space.

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