How Can Accountability Be Implemented in Your AI?

Broadbeach Innovations
4 min readDec 2, 2022


“ As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership. ”

Accountability for AI is significantly altering and influencing both businesses' and people’s lives. Critical choices are being made by automated machines in every facet of life. For instance, some businesses only use chatbots and AI system recommendations when hiring new employees. Judges, on the other hand, are increasingly using AI algorithms to make decisions in the courtroom. The outcomes of AI-based choices are frequently unfair, and many of these conclusions are difficult for humans to comprehend.

Therefore, it is crucial to guarantee that AI systems are created and implemented in a morally sound, safe, and responsible manner. Businesses, people, and society as a whole will suffer serious consequences if AI systems are not made accountable. Let’s examine how to make AI services more accountable.

How Can Accountability Be Implemented in Your AI?

A Summary of Responsible AI:

In addition to offering organizations great benefits, artificial intelligence also comes with enormous obligations. The output of an AI system would directly affect how individuals live their lives, which raises severe ethical, data governance, trust, and legal considerations. This is where responsible AI comes in. The more decisions a firm delegates to AI, the bigger the risks it faces, including reputational, employment, data privacy, and safety concerns.

“ Robots are not going to replace humans, they are going to make their jobs much more humane. ’’ — Sabine Hauert

It’s a strategy for designing, creating, and implementing AI with the intention of empowering workers and organizations while also having a fair influence on customers and society, enabling businesses to establish trust and confidently scale AI.

High-level rules for creating and implementing AI technology are being developed by several businesses. On the other hand, principles are only helpful if they are put into practice.

The complete AI lifespan is broken out as follows:

1. Design: The system must be designed, which comprises identifying its aims and objectives as well as any underlying presuppositions and key performance standards.

2. Development: The development process includes establishing technical requirements, collecting and processing data, creating the model, and testing the system.

“ The key to artificial intelligence has always been representation. ” — Jeff Hawkins

3. Deployment: The deployment process includes testing, ensuring legal compliance, determining interoperability with other systems, and assessing the user experience.

4. Monitoring: This requires regularly assessing the system’s outputs and impacts, updating the model, and choosing whether to continue using the system or turn it off.

The Four Aspects of Artificial Intelligence Accountability

From design through implementation and monitoring, accountability establishes responsibilities throughout the AI life cycle. The four criteria used to grade AI systems are governance, data, performance, and monitoring.

1. Look at the structure of the governance:

Processes for governance are essential for AI accountability and broad-reaching innovation. Risk management, demonstrating ethical principles, and compliance can all be facilitated by appropriate AI governance. Clear goals and objectives for the AI system, clearly defined responsibilities and lines of authority, a diversified workforce capable of managing AI systems, numerous stakeholder groups, and organizational risk-management techniques are all necessary components of accountability for AI.

2. Examine the information:

In the digital age, data is at the core of AI and machine-learning systems. AI systems’ strengths and weaknesses might both come from the same data. It is crucial to record how data is used throughout the creation of the underlying model and during the actual operation of the AI system. Providing information about the sources and origins of the data used to create AI models is crucial for proper AI accountability.

“ Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make. ” — Nick Bostrom

3. Define performance measurements and objectives:

It’s important to remember the importance of questions like “why did you design this system?” and “how is it working” after creating and deploying an AI system. To solve these crucial issues, businesses need thorough documentation of an AI system’s stated aim, as well as definitions of performance metrics and techniques for evaluating performance.

An AI application’s objectives must be met, and management and people in charge of monitoring these systems must be able to guarantee this. These performance assessments must pay attention to both the system as a whole and the numerous parts that interact and support it.

4. Consider monitoring techniques:

The use of artificial intelligence should not be considered a cure-all. Many of AI’s benefits come from its capacity to automate particular tasks at scales and rates well beyond those of humans. This entails choosing a reasonable range for model drift and continuously checking the system to make sure it delivers the expected outcomes.

Long-term monitoring should also check to see if the system can be scaled up or stretched to new operational settings and whether the operating environment has changed.

The general framework details how to handle each of the four aforementioned dimensions (governance, data, performance, and monitoring). This strategy can be used by executives, risk managers, and audit specialists, in fact, anyone trying to assure accountability for an organization’s AI systems.

“ It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool. ” — Colin Angle

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