From Coded Welder to Front-End Developer in less than 24 months

Ryan Brockley
3 min readMay 27, 2019


Hello everyone. First thing is first, I thank you for reading this story. Not only is this story about the most difficult time in my life so far, I am hoping by telling it, someone else in a similar position to me maybe able to use it as inspiration to start their own journey on a path to change their career and better their quality of life. Just like I have.

Let’s start right at the beginning. My name is Ryan Brockley and on the day of writing this, I am 34 years old. I have just received my first role as Frond-End Developer and I hope to share this journey into this role here with you today.

From being 16 years old, straight from school, I have worked in the Engineering sector. More so, Welding Engineering. From the age of 16 I embarked on a modern apprenticeship for welding. I knew this would give me stability in life as I would be classed as a skilled Engineer after I completed the apprenticeship. All my friends went to University which just was not of interest to me at all. I wanted a trade and to earn money right from the start. Every single day of my Welding/Engineering career was full of joy and aspiration as I really did find a love and passion for this industry. From being young I always knew I wanted to make thing’s with my hand’s. So this industry was perfect for me. I have welded components for the Nuclear sector and Off-Shore/Deep-Sea sector’s and had the time of my life whilst doing so.

Now, there is a huge “however”. After working in this industry and loving it for 18 years, I found myself with a huge choice to make. Do I continue to work in this industry hindered and unable to perform to my full potential? Or do I strive to learn a new skilled trade and again be at the top of my game? Confused? Let me explain………..

Around two years ago, I started to suffer some strange symptoms in regards to my hands. Cutting a very large story short and a twelve month process, I was diagnosed with (HAVS) Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome. This is due to the persistent use of vibrating power tool’s within my years of Engineering employment. It means I can no longer legally use power tools in employment. Which means I cannot perform the skilled work anymore, I have grown to love for so many years. A career in I.T was suggested to me by the doctors I saw regarding the matter. This is exactly what I did.

After taking part in many free online courses for learning how to code, My good friend of many years John Cashmore suggested a small, new JavaScript bootcamp that had recently started in Manchester. After speaking to the owner Joe I was accepted as a scholarship position on a 26 week intensive JavaScript bootcamp. I have never looked back! The course was part time so I could fit it in around my current job. This course was held by Manchester Codes. Every Monday and Wednesday for six months after work for three hour sessions. This quickly became the hardest task I had ever undertaken. Coupled in with working full-time, I really did struggle.

A final project and 2 months of job hunting later I can finally say I have done it! I have been hired as a junior front-end developer at Regatta and I could not be happier. All the hours up late at night and weekend early mornings coding have paid off. I cannot recommend Manchester Codes enough. If you are considering making the same career change, or even just for fun. Please do check out their website. It has completely changed my life!



Ryan Brockley

Hello my name is Ryan. I have chosen to retrain in software development and hope to document my journey on Medium.