Bro Louis Canter
1 min readJan 10, 2022


Where is Christmas?

I have been thinking a lot about the Christmas Season and wanted to somehow reflect on the great gift we received of which we celebrate. I am not a theologian or a philosopher, but a pilgrim on a journey. I wanted to explore the gift of the season, the Incarnation of Jesus much in the same way the Catholic Church asks those who are initiated into the Church to reflect on their experience….mystagogy I think it is called. So I decided to blog this reflection from today until Ash Wednesday….after all the gift of salvation was given to us not to be packed away with all the ornaments and used Christmas Cards of the year, nor is the the gift of salvation an event…rather a journey into the Holy and an ongoing revelation inspired by the Holy Spirit. So I hope each day to reflect on the Gift of Christmas and hope others will along with me as well, or this is a nice way for me to go deeper into the why God came to earth to save myself and all creation.

