The Only Spreadsheet Custom Number Format You’ll Ever Need

Brook McEachern
2 min readFeb 29, 2016


As something of a spreadsheet afficionado, I occasionally find myself wishing there was an easy way…

Excel and Google Sheets both offer scientific notation, of course, but I prefer something a bit more “skimmable”. So, I went googling, and found a StackExchange post on unit abbreviation which put me on the right path — although the formula it gave only worked into the millions, not billions (and would occasionally produce quirky formatting).

So I did a little reading and a little tweaking, and am proud to present… The One True Spreadsheet Custom Number Format:


’Tis a thing of beauty, is it not? It will do exactly what’s shown in the screenshot above. Magic! And/or Science!

(For the curious — using <999950 as the threshold instead of <1000000 prevents the confusing “1000.0K” from showing up instead of “1.0M” when a number is being rounded up to 1.0M)

You can use it in Google Sheets by selecting the cells you’re interested in, then clicking Format -> Number -> More Formats -> Custom Number Format, and then pasting in the above formula. Voila! If you’re using Excel, the steps for setting a custom number format are given in that StackExchange post.

(PS. The candy consumption numbers used in the example above are purely for illustrative purposes. I promise.)

Update: the above formula will only work as expected with positive numbers. For negative numbers, you can use an alternate version of the formula:


Or for a field that might be negative or positive, you can still format correctly into the millions (ie. between -999.9M and 999.9M) with a single number format:



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