Best Ways to Candle Making Techniques and Ideas

Coleman David
4 min readMay 17, 2018


Candle making always involves the element of fun and interest. A wide variety of delicate candles are available in the market in beautifully designed candle boxes, providing an alluring view to the customers to buy it. People are not fond of just purchasing the candles to decorate their homes but now they have become interested to make beautiful, attractive candles on their own.

There are different ways to make candles and the process is not difficult at all. It only requires a little skill and creativity to make these lovely creations. The common ingredients needed for all the candles are wax, candle wick, hot glue gun and wick holder. The initial step is same for every type of candle i.e. melting the wax.

You can do it in a microwave, oven or a stove top. Remember once you have started the melting process; keep a measure of temperature you want to achieve. Some of the best and revolutionary candle making techniques and ideas are explained below:

Making Candle From Old Crayons:

One of the best ways is to make a candle out of old wasted crayons, using a recycled wax. Collect the old crayons and remove the paper covering them. Melt the wax and affix the wick at the bottom of the container. Pour the colors into the glass container. A better way is to make layers of different colors for each candle and let the one layer to get harden before pouring the next one. It will give an awesome layered view at the end.

Orange Peel Candle:

No one has ever thought that you can use an orange peel instead of a traditionally used glass container. Although it is not the most effective way of making candle but its uniqueness and creativity will grasp the attention of everyone who sees it. First of all, melt the wax. Take an orange and remove the fruit from inside. Then cut a hole from the top. Now, this is the part you can use in any way to make a candle. An easy way is to cut it in half. You can also make any shape out of it like smiley faces and hearts etc. once you have done with the orange covering, place a wick at its bottom and apply glue. Pour a little wax and allow it to get hard. Your beautiful orange peel candle is ready to use.

Cinnamon Candle:

Make a simple candle by following basic steps and let it dry. Get some cinnamon sticks from the market and measure them accordingly that they are of the same size as the candle you want to use. Cut them according to the required height and start to fix them around the candle by applying a strong glue. Arrange in a way that whole circumference gets covered. Let it dry; an awesome plain pillar candle is ready.

Put a Picture on a Candle:

This technique sounds complicated, but it is as easy as the above ones. Make a simple candle of your choice. Take a printer paper and glue a tissue paper onto its one side. Choose your desired picture and print it on the tissue paper side. Cut away the excess paper making sure that you are left with the tissue paper. Position the image on the candle and roll it tightly. Then wrap the candle in a wax paper. Apply heat using a blow dryer for some minutes so that the wax starts to get imprinted on a candle. Remove the wax paper, and your candle is ready.

Citronella Candle:

Citronella candle is a unique idea, and a very few people have even heard about it. Such candles are best used as an insect repellent as they avoid the pests and keep them away. Although they do not look or smell great, they serve the purpose well. Some of the people will not like to burn citronella candle at home because of its smell, but this smell is good enough to keep the bugs away.

The technique lies in the step you melt the candle. As the wax has attained liquid form put few drops of citronella oil in it. Other steps are same, attach the wick to the base, pour the wax into the container and let it harden. A complete video showing different interesting ideas to make candle is referred in the link below:

