How to Make a Mailbox Out of Cardboard?

Coleman David
4 min readApr 10, 2017


A mail box is also known by several other names such as a pillar box and a letter box. It is usually a private vessel for receiving mails and letters other than electronic mail, and one is allotted to one house hold where they may receive this newspapers, letters, promotional material and even utility bills.
Ideally there are 4 types of mail boxes.

User Mailbox:

They are the usual standard kind of mail boxes that are allotted to individuals where they may receive there mails. They have a number or an address assigned to them and you can exchange these numbers to receive and send your letters and even small parcels.

Service Account Mailbox:

They are a bit more private and secure as compared to the standard mail boxes and have a username and a password assigned to them which are needed every time you need to access the mail box.

Shared Mailbox:

This is the third kind of the mail box, and does not have much security or privacy and can in fact be operated by multiple users.

Resource Mailbox:

This is a bit different from the usual kind of mailboxes that we are talking about at the moment and is usually reserved for reservation and coordination of resources such as meeting rooms and conference lines for corporate purposes.

I am however going to tell you how to make a mail box out of cardboard today. So note down the supplies that you would need. You will need just 6 things. Two cardboard boxes, blue acrylic paint, a fine tipped paint brush, and a glue gun and a very sharp knife.

First of all, draw semi circles on the two opposite flaps of the cardboard box. Then using your knife you need to cut along the cardboard box and discard off any excess that you may have — outside the semi-circle. Next use the half of the flaps that you have cut off and glue them inside to support the semi-circle tabs and keep them standing upright with this support. The hot glue from the glue gun works great for this purpose.

Next on the front side of the mail box (can be whichever you decide) draw a small rectangle and cut it out. The trick over here is that you need to cut three sides and leave the fourth one intact.

Moving on cut a flat piece of cardboard that equals in width of the distance between the two hemispherical coverings (from outer side to outer side). This will serve as the top of the mailbox. Use your ruler and the knife and cut parallel lines on the back side of the mailbox about an inch apart or so. Carefully just trim off the very first layer of the cardboard and slightly fold the cardboard so it curves and this will be the top of the mailbox. Next draw and cut a tiny slot for the mail to go in in the middle of the top and use glue to fasten it to the top of the mailbox. If required, alongside the glue you may also use tape to give it more support. It is optional if you want to add feet to the mailbox.

Next paint is heavily using the blue or red acrylic paints and let it dry overnight. Then add the logos that are over the mailboxes of your area and your mail box is ready!Follow all these easy steps you create your ideal mail box or simple follow one step and order your customized cardboard boxes by by a few simple clicks. They are an amazing option and can customize as per your choice using just the right material.

