Everyone Gets To Partcipate In the Token Economy

Brooks Jordan
2 min readNov 3, 2017


What’s amazing about the Blockchain is that it’s recreating money.

It’s not just helping transition money from the physical to the digital world. It’s turning money into tokens.

Tokens are a superior form of money.

Tokens are programmable, divisible, and shareable.

You can use a token to request support for something you want to do, and if that something is perceived as worthwhile, you’ll get support from people who

  • Want to go all-in on what you’re creating
  • Don’t understand (or specificially care about) what you’re creating but want to bet on you
  • See the crowd is “voting up” what you’re creating and follow along
  • Contribute for purely speculative or uninformed reasons

What’s remarkable is that for the first time anyone can request support through a token for something they want to create and theoretically anyone can participate. I’m not talking about all the scamming that’s going on with ICOs, I’m talking about something more basic.

Yes, we had crowdfunding and kickstarting before the Blockchain and its tokens came on the scene, but this is next level because of the way the Blockchain is engineered and a token is designed with code, math, and some unique intention.

Tokens are the easiest and coolest way to exchange value among all 7.4 billion people on the planet. So eveyone can, and eventually will, participate in the token economy.

The token economy will create more value for all of us, and more quickly, than anything we’ve seen up to this point.

Originally published at Wake Up Blockchain.



Brooks Jordan

Business development at Social Edge Consulting #community #crypto #cyborgs Oakland, CA, socialedgeconsulting.com