“The Web3 R(Evol)ution” Series - Part1/1

10 min readMar 30, 2023



Imagine a world where centralized powers no longer dictate the rules of the digital landscape — a world where pioneers, nomads, and rebels unite to reshape our collective destiny. This is the promise of the Web3 revolution, a movement that’s not only redefining the way we interact with technology but also challenging the status quo at its core.

Introducing a Three-Part Journey Through the Web3 Landscape

In response to the numerous challenges faced by the Web3 ecosystem, we are excited to announce a three-part Medium article series titled “The Web3 R(E)volution.” This series aims to explore the spirit, story, and heroes of Web3, remind ourselves and the community of our shared purpose, vision, and values, inspire builders and enablers, and strengthen our resolve to carry the torch of decentralization into the future.

Part 1: The Web3 R(Evol)ution: Uniting Pioneers, Nomads, and Rebels in the Quest for a Decentralized Future

I. The Web3 Builders and Agents of Change

II. The Resistance from the Old Guard

III. The Web3 Ethos and the Decentralization Movement

The Struggle for Decentralization

As much as the Web3 community has been able to achieve, it has not been without pushback from established powers. The current regulatory environment has made it clear that the powers that be view the decentralized Web3 ecosystem as a threat. As a result, we are seeing a concerted effort by regulators to crack down on crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi) in particular.

Choke Point 2.0

The Biden administration and federal regulators appear to be using whatever means necessary to cut the cryptocurrency industry off from banking services. Critical observers have dubbed this alleged effort “Choke Point 2.0” after a similar push by the Obama administration to cut undesirable but legal industries off from the financial system. U.S. officials have so far uniformly denied the existence of any such coordinated agenda, but whether it’s an active extralegal conspiracy or merely an alignment of motivations, the evidence is increasingly clear that crypto is in the crosshairs.

Navigating the Turbulent Waters: Banks, Crypto, and Regulatory Challenges

Banks such as Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate, and Signature have faced shutdowns and heightened scrutiny due to their involvement with crypto, while the Ripple court case has put a spotlight on the regulatory gray area surrounding cryptocurrencies. Industry leaders such as Coinbase have also faced pressure from regulators worldwide, and the recent White House report on crypto certainly confirms the negative sentiment in the U.S. executive branch. On March 24th, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) reportedly investigated Binance over concerns that the exchange allowed U.S. residents to trade derivatives, adding to the mounting pressures faced by the crypto industry.

The Rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Central banks around the world are aggressively pursuing the development and implementation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), aiming to cement their control over the digital financial landscape. While proponents of CBDCs tout the potential benefits such as increased efficiency and financial inclusion, there are growing concerns about their potential negative impact on privacy and individual freedom.

CBDCs: A Double-Edged Sword

The use of CBDCs could provide governments with unprecedented levels of surveillance and control over citizens’ financial activities, paving the way for a dystopian future of totalitarian control. The risks of abuse of power, including the potential for digital censorship and financial exclusion, are also significant. As we move towards the era of CBDCs, it’s crucial to carefully consider the implications and ensure that individual rights and privacy are protected.

Inspiration from Modern-Day Digital Pioneers

As we delve into the stories of these modern-day digital pioneers, we draw inspiration from their struggles and resilience, which serve as a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Their unwavering dedication in the face of adversity is a beacon of hope for all those who dare to dream of a brighter, decentralized future.

Like the mythical figure of Prometheus, who defied the gods to bring the gift of fire to humanity, we seek to ignite the flame within the Web3 community. By doing so, we aim to remind them of their noble calling and the transformative power they possess to reshape the digital landscape in ways that foster greater equity, empowerment, and connection.

Join us as we celebrate the remarkable achievements of these unsung heroes and explore the boundless potential of the Web3 R(E)volution, a movement that promises to redefine our collective digital destiny for generations to come.

The Web3 R(evolution): Uniting Pioneers, Nomads, and Rebels in the Quest for a Decentralized Future

I. The Web3 Builders and Agents of Change

A Civilizational Paradigm Shift

The Web3 movement represents a seismic shift in how we approach technology, finance, and social structures. Decentralization and democratization of resources, services, and opportunities are at the core of this new digital civilization, with the potential to empower individuals and communities like never before.

Pioneers, Nomads, and Trailblazers

Web3 pioneers are laying the groundwork for a world where trustless, transparent, and permissionless systems form the foundation of our digital lives, offering unprecedented levels of control, ownership, and freedom.

The movement is propelled by a diverse and dynamic group of pioneers, nomads, and trailblazers, united by a shared spirit of exploration, adaptability, and resilience. These digital innovators come from various backgrounds, disciplines, and cultures, each bringing their unique perspectives and skillsets to the forefront of the decentralized revolution.

Drawing inspiration from the indomitable spirit of Central Asian steppe warriors, who thrived in harsh conditions and relied on their resourcefulness to navigate vast, unforgiving landscapes, these Web3 innovators embrace the challenges that come with uncharted territory. Like the American settlers who forged new paths in pursuit of opportunity and freedom, they are not deterred by the obstacles they encounter but are galvanized by the potential to create a more equitable and inclusive digital world.

The Spirit of Freedom and Risk-taking

Web3 builders embody the spirit of freedom and risk-taking, as they boldly confront the volatile and often unforgiving environments of the digital frontier. They are not afraid to challenge the status quo, pushing boundaries and exploring new paradigms in a relentless pursuit of a more just, decentralized world.

In the face of uncertainty and adversity, these rebels of the decentralized revolution remain steadfast in their mission to democratize power and resources. They recognize that the existing power structures have created a digital landscape marred by inequity and exclusion, and they are committed to tearing down these barriers.

As modern-day digital revolutionaries, Web3 builders draw strength from the knowledge that their actions have the potential to create lasting, transformative change. By taking risks and embracing the spirit of freedom, they strive to dismantle entrenched systems of control and lay the groundwork for a digital future that empowers individuals and communities to thrive on their own terms.

II. The Resistance from the Old Guard: Defending the Status Quo

The Fear of Change and Loss of Control

The paradigm shift brought about by Web3 is often met with resistance from the old guard, who seek to preserve their power and control. These entrenched forces, which include established financial institutions, governments, and centralized technology companies, attempt to disrupt and undermine the decentralized movement, fearing the loss of their influence.

The old guard, accustomed to the centralized systems that have served their interests for decades, finds itself threatened by the rise of Web3 technologies. The decentralized nature of blockchain and other Web3 innovations challenges the existing hierarchy, leading to a fear of change and the potential loss of control. This fear drives them to undermine the progress of the Web3 movement, often through regulatory obstacles, negative media campaigns, and lobbying efforts.

Protecting Established Interests

Another driving force behind the resistance from the old guard is the protection of established interests. As Web3 technologies gain traction, traditional industries and centralized systems face the risk of becoming obsolete or losing market share. In an effort to maintain their dominance, these entrenched players may engage in anti-competitive practices or push for policies that slow down or hinder the growth of decentralized technologies.

The Battle for Public Perception

The resistance from the old guard is not just a matter of economic or political power; it’s also a battle for public perception. By casting doubt on the legitimacy and efficacy of Web3 technologies, the old guard aims to sow confusion and mistrust among the public. By doing so, they hope to maintain their influence and prevent widespread adoption of decentralized solutions. Examples of this can be seen in the regulatory pushback against Web3 technologies, such as the SEC lawsuit against Ripple, the CFTC investigation into Binance, and the negative sentiment towards crypto expressed in the recent White House report.

Adapting to the New Paradigm

Despite the resistance from the old guard, the Web3 movement continues to gain momentum. As more individuals and organizations recognize the potential benefits of decentralization, some traditional players will inevitably adapt and embrace the new paradigm. By doing so, they can ensure their continued relevance in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

III. The Web3 Ethos and the Decentralization Movement

Decentralization as a Wake-up Call

Now more than ever, we must come together and collaborate as a Web3 community to achieve our shared vision of a more inclusive and decentralized digital world. Our movement is built on the values of community, collaboration, and inclusiveness. United by a borderless, welcoming spirit, we, as a diverse group of individuals from different cultures, backgrounds, and disciplines, have the power to create a digital landscape that truly reflects the people it serves.

We have an unprecedented opportunity to align, build, and use new technologies and tools for our cause. Our strength lies in our ability to leverage the collective wisdom, skills, and experiences of our members. Together, we work as a cohesive force, supporting one another as we confront challenges, share ideas, and innovate. This collaborative approach enables us to overcome obstacles that might be insurmountable alone and accelerates the development and adoption of decentralized technologies. By upholding the values of inclusiveness and cooperation, we empower each member to contribute their unique talents and perspectives, ultimately creating a richer, more vibrant, and more equitable digital landscape.

The Power of Community and Collaboration

The Web3 community is a testament to the power of community and collaboration. United by a borderless, welcoming spirit, this diverse group of individuals from different cultures, backgrounds, and disciplines come together to create a more inclusive and decentralized digital world.

The strength of the Web3 community lies in its ability to leverage the collective wisdom, skills, and experiences of its members. Like a family of like-minded individuals, they work together, supporting one another as they confront challenges, share ideas, and innovate. This collaborative approach enables them to overcome obstacles that might be insurmountable alone and accelerates the development and adoption of decentralized technologies.

In the Web3 ecosystem, collaboration is not limited to developers and technical experts. It extends to users, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and activists — all of whom have a role to play in shaping the decentralized future. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and cooperation, the Web3 community empowers each member to contribute their unique talents and perspectives, ultimately creating a richer, more vibrant, and more equitable digital landscape.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators

The struggle for a decentralized future is not limited to the current generation of Web3 pioneers.

Closely intertwined with the spirit of exploration and innovation is the myth of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give it to humans. In a similar vein, the Web3 community strives to bring power back to the people by decentralizing control and ownership of digital assets. As the Web3 movement continues to gain momentum, it serves to inspire a new generation of innovators, developers, and enthusiasts who will carry the torch and continue the work of their predecessors. By nurturing this spirit of exploration, curiosity, and determination, the Web3 community ensures that the pursuit of a decentralized future remains a driving force in the digital world for years to come.

Our successes, breakthroughs, continued meetings and global efforts, commitment to inclusiveness, and role modeling should all serve as inspiration for the next generation to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the digital world. We have a responsibility to pass on our passion, knowledge, and experiences to future innovators, empowering them to build a better, more decentralized world.

As we reflect on the Web3 movement, we draw inspiration from history and analogies. In the next sections, we will explore parallels between the challenges and victories of Central Asian nomads, American pioneers, and French revolutionaries. The unsung heroes of the Web3 movement continue to carry the torch as light bearers of a paradigm shift.

Next up:

IV. Central Asian Steppe Nomads

V. United States Pioneers and Settlers

VI. The French Revolution 2.0

VII. The Unsung Heroes and Unknown Soldiers

Disclaimer of Opinion

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any organization, company, or any other mentioned entity. This article is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as professional or financial advice. The author and any associated entities shall not be held responsible for any actions taken by readers based on the information provided in this article. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.

