
Austin Brown
5 min readOct 17, 2018

Individual Idea Generation

How might we transport outdoor recreational equipment more efficiently using cars?

New Warm Up Game

Gathered in a Circle for warm ups

For my warm up game I wanted people to warm up their convergent and divergent thinking. To do this I created a game where you alternate rounds of thinking of related words with rounds of thinking of opposing words. The first person picks the category and then says the first word they think of. Then you go around the circle and everyone says the first thing they think of related to the category. After everyone goes you repeat the process but say something opposite of the category or idea stated. After a round of both similar and opposing statements have been completed, switch the person who starts. This warm up worked well for my group as it got super fun and silly during the rounds where we said things opposite of the category.

Session Organization

Everyone hard at work brainstorming
Ideas generated and powerpoint used to run the brainstorming session


  1. Jacob: He is majoring in Business and Education marketing here at the U. He came up with many of the more creative and way out there ideas during the brainstorm. He is from Minnesota.
  2. Lilly: Lilly is a College of Design student majoring in interior design. She is familiar with the brainstorm design process due to her current CDes classes. These include Intro to design thinking, Drawing in Two and Three Dimensions, and Interior Design Studio 1. I believe this is why she was able to come up with many creative but useful ideas such as the Trapezod-Pod.
  3. Ellie: Ellie is also a student here at the U. She is currently in the Nursing program. Due to her small town background back home in Wisconsin she brought a different set of ideas and thinking to the group.
  4. Alexander: Alex is a Freshmen here at the university currently studying agriculture and food marketing. He is a former baseball player and enjoys going out and having a good time.
  5. Victoria: Victoria is a freshmen here and is currently undecided. She is from Blaine, Minnesota where she enjoyed playing volleyball and soccer in her free time.
  6. Guy: He only was able to help out for 5 minutes before he was forced to leave due to a personal reason. He is from Israel where he played basketball professionally and was in the military for 2 years.

This brainstorming session took place in my room on October 22nd. In order to get more people to come I brought 25 chicken fingers from Canes. To warm up we did the activity I created as well as the one were everyone says a word to create a story. All of this was guided by a powerpoint I created. Then before we started the brainstorm session I showed them some of the ideas I had already come up with to spark their minds. The brainstorm session lasted 30 minutes but really slowed down in production after 20 minutes. Through this time they came up with 59 ideas. This gave us 1.96 ideas per minute throughout the session. This was way more ideas than I had anticipated.


Sorting and Voting

Flying Category
Ideas containing animals or people
Adhesive and out of the box category
Containment holder category
Equipment holders using strings
Ideas with lots of votes

In order to sort the sticky notes Victoria, Jacob, and I went and stood up in front of everyone and moved them around with the help of those sitting. It was very difficult at first as some of the ideas brainstormed were very abstract and did not seem to fit in a category. The categories we came up with were equipment holders using strings or wires, containment holders, adhesives or super abstract thinking, futuristic, flying, and things containing animal or people.

Top Ideas


Individual Idea Generation

New Warm-Up Game

Session Organization

Sorting and Voting

Top Ideas


10/17 Start doodling personal ideas for solution to how might we statement. Also find the four people for brainstorm.

10/18 Come up with new warm up game.

10/19 On my ride to Mankato I will come up with more ideas for solution to the how might we statement. Also, I will prepare a powerpoint and organize my brainstorming session.

10/20 Finish doodles of potential solutions

10/21 Tentative date to conduct brainstorm session. Complete sorting and voting on this date

10/22 or 10/23 scan in top ideas

10/24 Finish Blog

